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Topic subjectIs Vick an Eagle past Thursday?
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2125902, Is Vick an Eagle past Thursday?
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Feb-05-13 08:32 AM
Apparently, if the Eagles don't cut him by then, they owe him another 3 mil. If, however, they keep him past Thursday but he ends up signing somewhere else, then they're off the hook for the 3. Why even get into that if he's not your guy, though? Or is it worth risking the 3 mil to make sure you get it right? Thoughts?
2125910, Yes. I think he fits best in a Chip Kelly offense
Posted by bentagain, Tue Feb-05-13 08:57 AM
for them to cut him, would mean they intend on bringing somebody else in to QB this team

which, IMO = rebuilding

the offense has its issues

which hopefully will be remedied by the coaching changes

and the O-Line getting back to full strength

I'd rather see the team make big changes on defense

Chip Kelly can get points with our offensive roster
2129417, ^^^ Restructured, 1 Year Deal
Posted by bentagain, Mon Feb-11-13 12:02 PM
2131644, and signed Dixon anyway!
Posted by bentagain, Thu Feb-14-13 03:23 PM
2131780, hell yes http://i.imgur.com/cKmHF.gif
Posted by sfMatt, Thu Feb-14-13 09:22 PM
2131967, Nick Foles to KC?
Posted by bentagain, Fri Feb-15-13 10:19 AM
2125944, I think he can have success under Chip. He'd better hope Chip feels
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Feb-05-13 10:36 AM
the same way this could be another career CPR. I'd also add that this isn't a good draft for QB's and I don't think going after a Flynn, Alex Smith or Ryan Mallett makes sense when you think about what Kelly wants to do with the offense.
The Combat Jack Show is the best hip-hop related internet radio show

Make the octopussy do the watusi for the night
2125947, Eagles are supposed to sign Dennis Dixon according to reports
Posted by southphillyman, Tue Feb-05-13 10:44 AM
iono if it's true but they're acting like it is
that and Kelly has been acting as if he thinks Foles can run an effective hurry up offense similar to brady because Foles can make quick reads and get rid of the ball fast (makes sense too cause foles arm is most effective <20 yd routes it seems)
of course all this could be political speak since he just got here , iono
2125981, Thats why i was saying i thought Alex smith would be great with Chip
Posted by josephmurf2384, Tue Feb-05-13 11:43 AM
Had some of his best games when he was just running a no huddle and reading coverage. I think he has enough mobility to keep people honest if they give him room, but also the ability to absorb Kelly's offense and make the right decisions getting the ball out quick. I hope Smith goes there instead of Cleveland or KC.
2125953, The Eagles have until free agency to let go of Vick
Posted by Dr Claw, Tue Feb-05-13 10:55 AM
Because the only reason they're paying him that $3 mil is if no one else signs him or someone else signs him for less than that.
2126016, this. i'm sure they want to figure out what they are doing earlier
Posted by poetx, Tue Feb-05-13 12:18 PM
but it doesn't have to be this week.

calculated risk of 3m, but it's doable.

from what i understand, if they cut him, they don't have to pay as long as he gets picked up by somebody.

might not be for 12 mil, but somebody will give him a shot. especially if the eagles decide sooner than later and don't freeze him out of the FA frenzy and pre-draft runup

peace & blessings,



** i move away from the mic to breathe in
2126040, i was about to say 'see: Arizona Cardinals'
Posted by HecticHavoc, Tue Feb-05-13 12:48 PM
but unfortunately... the coaching staff might actually believe Kolb is worth giving another shot

smh... i think Arizona has him signed for another 4 years. i can only laugh
2126685, who is AZ's coach, now?
Posted by poetx, Wed Feb-06-13 12:50 AM

peace & blessings,



** i move away from the mic to breathe in
2125996, if chip kelly has watched the film (for last 3 yrs) he sees how fucked
Posted by poetx, Tue Feb-05-13 11:54 AM
up and stupid that that offense was, and how putrid that line was, and how the smallest modicum of success that they had was due to damn near superhuman efforts on the part of their skill players (paraphrasing trent dilfer after he actually WATCHED the films).

mm was getting vick fucked up as much as the line.

kelly's whole steez is out scheming defenses and putting them in a bind where you have to make one or two decisions based upon alignment, and then another 1 or 2 as the play unfolds to find the defender w/ the red x on him and pick on him.

shit that andy and marty did was leaving a whole gang of motherfuckers unaccounted for on a routine basis, and going against their strengths.

can foles run kelly's offense? sure. if he has to. and i imagine he could be pretty effective. but if kelly has also looked at the film and seen them lollypop ass rainbow deep throws he also knows that having a hellafied run game and scheming everyone up into the box don't mean shit if your QB can't throw 30 yards downfield w/ any semblance of authority.

if all you can do is throw rainbows and jumpballs (underthrown at that), you better have a calvin johnson type receiver to go up and battle in traffic. that's the antithesis of anyone on the eagles' roster.

i'd keep vick, bring in dixon to compete w/ all foles erything for backup, and then take a flyer on a cat like ej manuel (or someone else who ain't even on the radar yet) for long term purposes.

then i'd use the high pick(s) to retool the defense, and take advantage of what should be a soft schedule, as well as some of the flaws in the division, to get my worst to first on, and build from there.

that's what *i* would do.

b-b-but 15 million!

if you get flynn or someone and give them a long term deal, by virtue of the upfront money alone, you're expending 15m. easy. for an unproven commodity who may be good or may be stopgap. i'll bite the bullet and spend 15m on vick as opposed to flynn or alex smith, any day, all day. even in decline.

any offensive mind will see just how fucked up the eagles offense was, even in 2010. they won a lot in spite of coaching and scheming. the OL, you got to get another piece or two and pray they all heal up. but you got skill players in their prime (lesean and desean) and one emerging (b brown). and damaris johnson could do work in this offense, too. i'd trust that i could coach up an underperforming offense and focus my resources on getting BETTER on defense where we more obviously just did not have talent.

if for no other reason (vis vick), the beating he took last year w/o complaining and shitting on his line or his coaches was astounding. unless he was on some night and day shit behind the scenes, that level of leadership by example has got to count for something. if you get him comfortable that you are gonna call the right plays and not put you in fucked up situations, and that you'll get guys that will play hard all the time, you should be able to convince him that he doesn't have to score every play.

imagine if this team really committed to the run. and spread out defenses, and isolated one or two key defenders, and went at them. and THEN also had quick throws to pull up coverage. and THEN used the deep throws because teams were really forced to defend shady?

peace & blessings,



** i move away from the mic to breathe in
2126099, really interested to see how this Dixon jazz unfolds
Posted by sfMatt, Tue Feb-05-13 01:25 PM
We have a guy now in Marcus Mariota who has every bit of the raw athletic talent that Dixon had in college, and is more developed as a passer at this stage (entering RS Soph year) than Dixon was as a JR - but Dixon is still the single guy that made Chip's offense unstoppable.

If he's asked to make some easier decisions, he could be deadly yet in the NFL. You just have to know what throws he can and cannot make, and gameplan accordingly.
2126677, right. i'd have taken a flyer on him before. he was in a good/bad
Posted by poetx, Wed Feb-06-13 12:24 AM
sitch in pittsburgh.

ONE good thing about this athletic qb archetype starting to stick is that guys can get to the point where you can be a second stringer or even mediocre with that skillset. (like black qbs, which are not the same thing... you knew cats had really arrived when you could have black backup qbs).

dixon gives kelly a comfort zone -- here's a dude who knows what i'm about, what i expect, and the finer points of how i coach. he can be a reliable plan b (assuming he's mentally and athletically still at an nfl caliber of player).

that gives him some insurance on who he goes with as his #1, and even gives him a credible bridge if he decides he needs to load up and acquire a franchise qb in a future draft.

he certainly makes more sense on the roster than trent edwards.

peace & blessings,



** i move away from the mic to breathe in
2126170, could not have said it any better
Posted by HeadNodda, Tue Feb-05-13 02:15 PM
Reid and more importantly Marty's play calling was ridiculous. In those Eagles' games posts, we highlight many like, the dumb as play action where vick had his back turned to the line. but even some of the play designs were ridiculous.

2126683, he's played in two woefully unbalanced and unsound offensive
Posted by poetx, Wed Feb-06-13 12:44 AM

under mora/knapp w/ ATL, where the dumbasses would run into a stacked box and only call the same PA off boot action cutting off half the field w/ no separation getting receivers running predictable ass routes

and the reid/marty system in PHI, where they would say fuck the run and go all first half while giving only 4 attempts to one of the best runners in the game, and running unnecessary play action, very little slants and quicks (to take advantage of how far desean had the CBs backed up), and overemphasis on shallow crossing routes, which were mostly dumb for two reasons:

a) versus vick, most teams, by necessity, had to play a lot of zone coverage. that leads to WRs getting blown the fuck up like maclin and desean in successive years vs. dunta robinson

b) you have a short qb and short WRs who aren't particularly physical, behind a huge/tall OL that allows pressure up the middle and defenses that are heavily incented to spy the middle of the field. how are you supposed to find passing lanes, especially with as quickly as the pocket would break down, and with no hots?

when he was in ATL, alex gibbs - the offensive line 'consultant' who was really the architect / installer of their offense, which was the ground version of denver's one cut, zone/cut block scheme, said 'we don't mind running against 9 in the box. we feel we can beat that'. falcons players said they rarely practiced pass protection.

in philly, andy/marty would typically go up against a squad with a great pass defense and a porous or suspect run defense, and, because they liked the matchups, proceed to throw 40 or 50 times.

two inversely stubborn and stupid systems. it'd be interesting to see what vick could do in a system in which they run AND pass.

this is what bobby petrino was hired to do in atl before vick got himself sent up.

idk. i'd roll the dice.

peace & blessings,



** i move away from the mic to breathe in
2126800, i think 2010 Vick was the closest we have seen
Posted by HeadNodda, Wed Feb-06-13 10:44 AM
to Vick operating in a balanced System.
2129433, but i was told marty morningweig was a genius
Posted by bshelly, Mon Feb-11-13 12:20 PM
2126678, Probably, but Matt Barkley does need a franchise to fail into
Posted by vik, Wed Feb-06-13 12:30 AM
2126679, what tha hell would kelly do with matt barkley?
Posted by LAbeathustla, Wed Feb-06-13 12:37 AM
do u even watch college football?
2126681, *whoosh*
Posted by vik, Wed Feb-06-13 12:40 AM
>do u even watch college football?
2126809, yeah, I think so
Posted by kayru99, Wed Feb-06-13 10:51 AM
Chip Kelley + success of the pistol = one more try in philly

Oddly, though, the Eagles ain't nowhere near as bad as their last 16 games suggest. Healthy o-line, better safety and a big receiver or two, and the division could easily be theirs.

Kelley's walking into a good situation, if he don't go crazy.
2127039, They need to cut his ass.
Posted by andacagar, Wed Feb-06-13 02:57 PM
what other team is willing to pay the 3mill to get the Eagles off of the hook for this? Seriously what team out there would pay that much for a broken down end of the rope qb?
2129763, hey. ain't you a cardinal fan? and y'all payin HOW much for Klob?
Posted by poetx, Mon Feb-11-13 04:57 PM

peace & blessings,



** i move away from the mic to breathe in
2129426, smh damn eagles fans. damn.
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Feb-11-13 12:13 PM
2131823, excellent. not only is Vick still there but Dixon is there
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Feb-14-13 10:42 PM
signed for longer than Vick. there are some people extremely mad about that, and that makes me happy.

now I can't wait for the post-Andy era to begin.