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Topic subjectRoyce White talking about it...
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2119162, Royce White talking about it...
Posted by FromTheGo, Thu Jan-24-13 07:28 PM

per ESPN Five Good Minutes...

well spoken

I have been TeamRoyce during this ordeal and don't think there really has been a badguy in this situation just miscommunications. He may well be a pioneer to a degree if the league actually makes changes to approach mental health issues in a more expansive approach.

2119165, he just digging himself deeper. called mchale a co-worker lmao.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jan-24-13 07:30 PM

Royce White said part of the difficulty with coming to an understanding with the Houston Rockets is that Kevin McHale is not the authority on player-related decision making.

“Coach McHale doesn’t run this team,” White said in a conversation with Houston radio station KBXX. “Despite what people think, he has very little control over this team. From a basketball point, he runs it, but from a business level and from an operational level, he has very little say. He’s almost a co-worker of mine rather than an adviser or a managerial type of position. That’s one of the big issues here.”

Told of White’s assessment of their respective places on the Rockets’ organizational chart, McHale left his response at “All right.”

White plans to report to the Rockets’ D-League affiliate on Feb. 11.
2119167, McHale is a co-worker...he isn't the owner
Posted by FromTheGo, Thu Jan-24-13 07:32 PM
your boss is your coworker, just an elevated position...but you all work for the same company
2119169, man FOH with that. Your boss is your boss & your coach is your coach
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jan-24-13 07:35 PM
2119178, D'Antoni is a co-worker of Nash and crew....
Posted by FromTheGo, Thu Jan-24-13 07:43 PM
I honestly believe Nash, Jamison, and Blake could be better coaches than Mike D

2119208, a bad coach is still a coach
Posted by rob, Thu Jan-24-13 08:21 PM
d'antoni has earned a little disrespect...but it clearly would be DISRESPECT and not the mark of a real player-coach relationship.

and he wasn't insinuating (i don't think) that his coach wasn't good. if he was, he should just say that . i think dude really does have a hard time saying what he means. i just can't tell if he's bullshitting or doing his best to be real. i assume mcchale can't either, which would warrant exactly his "alright" response.
2119447, this is especially true in the NBA where we've seen players essentially
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jan-25-13 08:25 AM
get coaches fired at will multiple times now
problem is.....royce white has not played a regular season game yet and is talking/acting as if he has some kind of leverage
2119455, i was about to pull the Mike Brown card on dude...
Posted by FromTheGo, Fri Jan-25-13 08:53 AM
But Morey, White, McHale are all getting checks from the same company.

Kobe canceled Mike Browns checks, but then again Mike Brown is getting paid to watch Kobe suffer...

2119540, Have you ever had a job where you made more $$$ than your manager
Posted by bentagain, Fri Jan-25-13 11:18 AM
and I say manager, because it's different than a boss

the investment of $$$ usurps the authority

obviously, the company values me more than my manager

and no, he can't fire me

he can make recommendations, etc...

but my opinion was just as valued

so he's kind of right

I know he probably doesn't make more money than McHale

but there are players on that team that I'm sure do
2119173, i wish they would just go ahead & cut this fool
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Jan-24-13 07:40 PM
fuck him & his entitled 'im mentally ill!' ass outlook on any fucking thing

do or die
2119465, I wonder how tricky it would be legally
Posted by The Real, Fri Jan-25-13 09:06 AM
Since he has admitted to having a mental illness. If they simply cut him, I could see a lawsuit coming. I'll have to do some research on the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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2119508, It would have to be for lack of performance
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Fri Jan-25-13 10:42 AM
>Since he has admitted to having a mental illness. If they
>simply cut him, I could see a lawsuit coming. I'll have to do
>some research on the Americans with Disabilities Act.

They couldn't cut him solely because of his anxiety disorder.... but because his anxiety disorder is causing him to miss games and causing him to be disruptive to team morale with his rhetoric towards the organization.

To cover their assess, they'd also want to show that they offered him assistance but he refused. It would get sticky because he doesn't want to use the team's doctors.

I'm sure suits will fly should he eventually get cut but it sounds like the Rockets have basically covered their bases.
2119785, As someone who works with the ADA pretty much daily......
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Fri Jan-25-13 04:51 PM
I can say that Houston cannot just summarily cut him.

An organization has to make an accommodation for a person with a disability.

The person with the disability has to have the ability to do the job at hand, either with or without an accommodation.

So, the question is- can Royce White play basketball on the NBA level. The answer seems to be yes, even though he hasn't played one minute yet. He seems to have all of the requisite qualifications and ability.

Houston has to make an accommodation, but it only has to be one that works, not necessarily the one that he requests. In other words, they don't have to give you a Benz, when a Volvo will do.

The only way Houston would not be obligated to further try to accommodate Mr. White is if the accommodations needed for him to do his job were exorbitant in cost, or constitutes some other undue hardship to the team. Being that the team is freakin' loaded, that would be very hard to prove.

They essentially have to give him every opportunity to play until he proves that he can't perform on that level to a satisfactory degree.

Sending him to the D League might be a way to do that. If he's not successful there and the team can show that they've made every effort to accommodate him, they could probably cut him at some point.

That won't necessarily stop him from suing, but at least they could establish an affirmative defense and say "look at all we did for him, how long we waited for him and all the chances we gave him to be the player we drafted him to be....."



"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
2119174, I wish this nigga nothing but failure.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Jan-24-13 07:40 PM
2119179, if they cut him, how soon before a team picks him up...
Posted by FromTheGo, Thu Jan-24-13 07:44 PM
talent is talent
2119184, I'd say another team will pick him up and he'll do the same thing...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Jan-24-13 07:47 PM
to them. Or something typically like it.
2119192, but if said team would just fly out his doctor and works with him...
Posted by FromTheGo, Thu Jan-24-13 07:58 PM
Houston would eventually look like dickheads, if he goes through on his end and balls out...

I bet OKC would do it in a heartbeat lol...

2119247, He won't ball out. Not enough to warrant the headache.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Jan-24-13 09:17 PM
2119489, Royce has said its not a Rockets issue, its an NBA issue
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Fri Jan-25-13 09:54 AM
nobody in the league has the protocols set up. He said whats happening now would probably happen everywhere else in the league
2119589, I've seen him hashtag "Rockets" about 47 times.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 12:06 PM
I'm saying his behavior will repeat wherever he's at, whatever the situation is.
2119206, Nobody is touching that dude with a 10-foot pole, "Morey is a genius!"
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jan-24-13 08:19 PM
2119211, I watched this dude on 'Real Sports' last night & like him even less
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jan-24-13 08:24 PM
than I did before doing so.
2119250, This kid is a smug douche
Posted by ErnestLee, Thu Jan-24-13 09:25 PM
2119279, You can't play in the NBA if you can't surpass a fear of flying.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Jan-24-13 10:19 PM
End of story.
2119331, this dude can't even conquer a fear of driving to the practice facilty
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jan-24-13 11:34 PM
he needs to work on developing a fear of interviews & texting.
2119317, If I said it once...Royce is destined to be a 30 for 30
Posted by subjctmattr, Thu Jan-24-13 11:11 PM
2119407, how have they not done an ESPN RV commercial with him yet
Posted by gusto, Fri Jan-25-13 03:37 AM
2119418, thats the problem, he's always talking about it
Posted by osu_no_1, Fri Jan-25-13 04:43 AM
Needs to stfu and play.
2119427, Get dude the Madden Bus
Posted by LA2Philly, Fri Jan-25-13 05:41 AM
But seriously...it's a lot of talk and not much of anything else it seems.
2119439, He'll go on a shooting spree, kill himself, then you dicks will get it.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 07:27 AM

You guys are such fucking lemmings.

How the fuck y'all gonna diminish mental health
a month after Newtown?

2119449, ^^^ this too ^^^
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jan-25-13 08:33 AM
but expecting any kind of consistency here might suggest that you have mental health issues too lol
let niggas cook/hate
the most (only?) impressive thing about this dude is that he has a DEEP understanding of what his issues are (half the problem solved) and is trying to facilitate the type of discussions needed to begin to alleviate them so he can add value to the franchise that wasted a 1st rounder on him
it's obvious dude is certifiable, so i'm not sure what else ppl are expecting
houston should have done their due diligence and interviewed this dude extensively, maybe even sent a jet to pick him up to gauge his reaction or something iono
seems like they have no idea how to handle this dude.
2119458, Morey should've given him a jetpack & dared him to turn it on.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 08:55 AM
He doesn't hit the switch. Don't draft him.
2119486, lock him away or kill him now, then.
Posted by osu_no_1, Fri Jan-25-13 09:48 AM
2119542, You sound less stable than Royce does, quite honestly.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 11:19 AM

Just being honest


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2119582, you're right, so you should cater to me
Posted by osu_no_1, Fri Jan-25-13 11:57 AM
start by running to the store and grabbing me a 6 pack. it's snowy out and i get anxious when driving in the snow, so i'd rather stay at home.
2119622, Nah, unstable niggas like you shouldn't be drinking.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 12:47 PM

I'll cater you a good psychiatrist that I know, though.


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2119670, who are you to say what i do and don't need?
Posted by osu_no_1, Fri Jan-25-13 01:16 PM
You can't understand. I'm outraged at your psychiatrist offer. Only a psychiatrist of my choosing will be acceptable. Plus, mine brings me beer.
2119676, Explains a lot.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 01:33 PM
>Only a psychiatrist of my choosing will be acceptable.
>Plus, mine brings me beer.


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2119775, a lot of folks refuse to acknowledge that his public lashing out
Posted by KosherSam, Fri Jan-25-13 04:27 PM
is a SYMPTOM of his mental illness.

it'd be like if some dude with emphysema was wheezing his way through an interview about his illness, and OKS was saying "I'd be more inclined to hear what he's got to say if he'd just stop coughing so much! damn man, drink some water or something!"
2121346, yup
Posted by AnonymousCoward, Mon Jan-28-13 08:39 PM
This dude is sick as shit. America has serious problems accepting that the personality of a mentally ill person is sometimes a symptom. It's much easier to label him a douche, tho.
2119454, Good to finally hear HIM speak.
Posted by DanSpeak, Fri Jan-25-13 08:48 AM

He should do this more. I thought he was pretty well spoken and almost .... *gasp*, HUMBLE. To Houston's credit they are still working to get him in and to Royce's credit he accepts willingly to start in the D-League.

Some of you fucks are heartless bastards, but that's nothing new lol.

Carry on with the hate ...
2119456, This is one of the 5 least intelligent posts in OKS history. Easily
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 08:54 AM

One of the most spiteful too.

He registers about 1/1000th as bad on the asshole
scale as most the niggas y'all trump and cop pleas

He obviously has ACTUAL ISSUES.

It isn't *only* about the fucking flying, you imbeciles.

TRY to think for yourselves for a second.

2119461, I am TeamRoyce...
Posted by FromTheGo, Fri Jan-25-13 08:59 AM
I think Houston should have just sucked it up and catered to his demands and been a pioneer for mental health focus.

Folk calling Morey a genius for flipping the PR in Houston's favor, but if he was such a genius why did he draft him in the first place.

2119462, I'm actually spiteful & didn't like him prior to this.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 09:02 AM
2119475, Only thing he did to you is not get on that plane to UK.
Posted by DanSpeak, Fri Jan-25-13 09:15 AM

2119477, Nah, I don't like any of the recruits that Tubby goes to bat for...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 09:26 AM
and shit on him.


Rashad Carruth

Jason Parker

2119480, He might be the worst human ever; he just happens to be right here.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 09:38 AM

He's right about this, though


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2119482, agreed, and the rockets knew exactly what they were getting
Posted by bshelly, Fri Jan-25-13 09:42 AM
this has always been ba's point. even if you're enough of an asshole to pile on a dude with an obvious mental illness, you can't pretend the rockets accepted that they would pay this dude and he would do this the minute they drafted him.
2119492, you don't think this is a very real case of narcissism?
Posted by Tiger Woods, Fri Jan-25-13 09:59 AM
I don't doubt he struggles with some things, but being so visible and vocal about them is a bit much, no? I don't have a problem with the PTI hit. It's the relentless tweeting and lashing out at the Rockets, a team that really did stick their neck out for him when there's reason to believe few other teams were prepared to.
2119494, This 'stuck their neck out for him' thing is pathetic
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 10:03 AM

They "stuck their neck out" for his 20-9-7 potential.

They didn't feed a starving child in India.

And the problem might not be with the Rockets' specifically,
but with the CBA and the league. They might not actually
deal with mental health very well.


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2119497, he was absolutely going as some point in the first round
Posted by bshelly, Fri Jan-25-13 10:07 AM
he was flying up everybody's board prior to the draft.
2119578, According to OKS, the Rockets did it raise awareness for mental health
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 11:51 AM

Not because he looked like the most talented player
in the country at times.


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2119532, i'm not reading most peoples responses as this being about flying
Posted by rob, Fri Jan-25-13 11:07 AM
i'm just having a REALLY hard time understanding what he wants done here. i can't even decide whether i agree with him or not because all i really get from this is that there's something missing in the CBA that he thinks should be there.

but what? what's going to improve his situation? what's going to make it better for the next guy? i hope some specifics come out of this.

2119478, i agree that his illness is real, but
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-25-13 09:27 AM
he has to take some responsibility for his own treatment

he seems like he puts more energy into spreading the msg about what the rockets arent doing for him
2119479, He pretty much completely ethered this point yesterday.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 09:37 AM
>he has to take some responsibility for his own treatment
>he seems like he puts more energy into spreading the msg about
>what the rockets arent doing for him

The issue is about the collective bargaining agreement being
far too nebulous in how they discuss mental health, and how
the provide conditions that support people with mental illness.

Its a perfectly fair and reasonable stance.

I'm not saying Royce isn't a dick. He might be.

But his argument is perfectly fair and correct.

The NBA is not currently fit for people with mental illnesses.

That is ok -- maybe its just too much to hack. But that needs
to be stated somewhere, so that young people don't sacrifice
their youths preparing for a job that they cannot work in. He
could have spent these years studying astrophysics. That's how
labor works.

Its not much different than disability discrimination.

If being disabled will prevent one from doing a job
well, the job better say it up front, because if they don't,
and a disabled person hurts themselves trying to get up
some steps, they can sue the shit out of the job.


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2119538, re:
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-25-13 11:15 AM
>The issue is about the collective bargaining agreement being
>far too nebulous in how they discuss mental health, and how
>the provide conditions that support people with mental
>Its a perfectly fair and reasonable stance.
>I'm not saying Royce isn't a dick. He might be.
>But his argument is perfectly fair and correct.
>The NBA is not currently fit for people with mental illnesses.

that argument may very well be, and probably is, correct, as i dont know the language of the CBA as it relates to mental health. but the team is investing massive amounts of money in this guy and its not unreasonable for them to want an organizational doctor to be involved. also, he could have really helped his own case by at least showing up. its hard to accept the idea that the rockets arent doing right by him if he isnt around to try.

>That is ok -- maybe its just too much to hack. But that needs
>to be stated somewhere, so that young people don't sacrifice
>their youths preparing for a job that they cannot work in. He
>could have spent these years studying astrophysics. That's
>labor works.

but if he didnt know he was going to have to ride airplanes to play in an international sports league, his years of preparation were not as thorough as they should have been. also, this is a good example of how maybe college shouldnt be looked at as something someone has to put up with for one basketball season until they build a basketball portfolio. he had a chance to get a college degree for free and instead, knowing his own health situation, passed and decided to jump straight into a ruthlessly results driven sector of private enterprise coursing with air travel and pressure.

>If being disabled will prevent one from doing a job
>well, the job better say it up front, because if they don't,
>and a disabled person hurts themselves trying to get up
>some steps, they can sue the shit out of the job.

most jobs nowadays list physical expectations for employees. but as far as the mental demands, ive known since i was 5 years old what the real world was all about. in Ghostbusters, after they lose their academic funding and they are lamenting their futures, Ray tells Egon "Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything! You've never been out of college! You don't know what it's like out there! I've *worked* in the private sector. They expect *results*."

The Rockets should work with him, but they dont have to, and wont, bend to his will.
2119557, Agree: Keyon Dooling Retiring Early Backs This Stance
Posted by RexLongfellow, Fri Jan-25-13 11:30 AM
>>he has to take some responsibility for his own treatment
>The issue is about the collective bargaining agreement being
>far too nebulous in how they discuss mental health, and how
>the provide conditions that support people with mental
>Its a perfectly fair and reasonable stance.
>I'm not saying Royce isn't a dick. He might be.
>But his argument is perfectly fair and correct.
>The NBA is not currently fit for people with mental illnesses.
That's something that needs to be addressed. As dick-headed as Royce might be, fighting the good fight to correct that has to be done by someone.
This could cross over into all sports and how they deal with mental illness
2119562, early? he played 12 seasons lol
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-25-13 11:32 AM
2119650, You Don't Think He Could've Continued Playing?
Posted by RexLongfellow, Fri Jan-25-13 01:02 PM
He's 32, and per Doc Rivers a solid contributor.
Yes, he retired early
2119655, If that was the case he would've been resigned.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 01:04 PM
2119663, doesnt matter what i think, he didnt think so and neither do 32 GMs
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-25-13 01:09 PM
2119688, He Quit Over The Summer
Posted by RexLongfellow, Fri Jan-25-13 02:01 PM
Doc wanted him back and he said he couldn't do it. It was sudden. He could've played if he wanted to
To say he was done because of erosion of talent is wrong.
2121347, his body eroded, he had a degenerative hip dx in 2007
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Jan-28-13 08:46 PM
i dont want to minimize what happened to him because thats terrible

but 12 seasons on the nba grinds on you, and is considered a pretty good career
2121373, This is correct. We had just resigned him for a year in july.
Posted by Mannii, Mon Jan-28-13 09:41 PM
2119691, do you not know what happened to Keyon?
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jan-25-13 02:23 PM
he was molested for years as a kid, and suffered a psychotic break from the suppression. He didn't quit because he can't play, he quit to live a real life not haunted by demons.

and now he's in player coordination for the C's, likely doing mentoring, which I'm sure makes him happier and healthier than he was when he was playing.
2119720, I'm Sayin
Posted by RexLongfellow, Fri Jan-25-13 03:10 PM
Cats are acting like he couldn't play anymore. He was still an effective player

He had some mental health issues, which led to his retirement and new position.
2119801, that wasn't even central to your point anyway
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jan-25-13 05:48 PM
yall be letting these cats derail yall points easy as fuck
2121361, im just sayin dude had a full career and a chronic injury
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Jan-28-13 09:21 PM

2119490, I get where Royce is coming from
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Fri Jan-25-13 09:55 AM
I think he makes some great points. The main thing I wish he did/would do differently is stay the fuck OFF TWITTER.

The latest news is hes supposed to join the Dleague team i February--but we'll see about that,
2119495, Keep in mind: I'm open to dude being a dick. He just happens to be right.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 10:04 AM
"Let me be clear" (c) POTUS


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2119524, lol well you would be
Posted by rob, Fri Jan-25-13 11:01 AM
that's how you approach most of these posts
2119553, Him coming off as a dick gives people an excuse to dismiss him entirely
Posted by Kungset, Fri Jan-25-13 11:26 AM
Which is unfortunate. As far as I can tell all he wants is some clarity in the CBA for mental issues, particularly making sure it's in line with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Which is you know, not optional.

And I HATE the point about him wasting the franchise's money. This ain't a damn charity. They invested in him, they drafted him and CHOSE to give him a guaranteed contract, his issues and all.
2119541, I just don't understand what he wants.
Posted by veritas, Fri Jan-25-13 11:19 AM
Sounds like he wants to be a test case more than he wants accommodation for his disability.
2119556, Yeah that is one problem I have
Posted by Kungset, Fri Jan-25-13 11:28 AM
I couldnt tell what exactly he wanted But I chalked it up to not following the story closely.
2119563, I think it'd be better if he was clear on what he wanted.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 11:32 AM
And what he expects the Rockets and the NBA to do instead of ranting on Twitter and interviews.

What do you want?

What do you expect the Rockets/NBA to do?

What are you doing?

To me he seems like a cat that just wants to be in the public eye and gain attention.
2119570, he's got mental problems, man.
Posted by Guinness, Fri Jan-25-13 11:41 AM
there's not really any way to "understand" what he wants, because all his discontent and gripes stem from the illness. it's all one thing.

the rockets can only be patient and encouraging, and hope that he gets his life together.
2119576, According to OKS, he's an asshole for being mentally ill
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Jan-25-13 11:50 AM

I mean, his problems are astonishingly clear
to anyone who isn't an idiot:

The rants are the product of someone having an anxiety

That's not an excuse.

He has actually been afraid of playing basketball recently.

The flying thing is just the tip of the iceberg.


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2119580, shit, he's hard to like.
Posted by Guinness, Fri Jan-25-13 11:55 AM
i get why people react negatively to his tweets and complaining. but the idea that his fear of flying and his public airing of grievances are somehow separate shows a lack of understanding of how mental illness works.
2119593, o_e's passion of the day, huh?
Posted by veritas, Fri Jan-25-13 12:19 PM
not sure why it needs to be so personal on any end.

you have back problems and make an ADA claim, your employer gets a restriction on the amount you can lift, etc.

if his "problems are abundantly clear," his solutions from an employer perspective are opaque as fuck.

i don't think asking what he actually wants is unreasonable at all.
2119745, That's a really clean example
Posted by Walleye, Fri Jan-25-13 03:40 PM

>you have back problems and make an ADA claim, your employer
>gets a restriction on the amount you can lift, etc.

I've had to work for people who need the protection of the ADA and their experience seems to mostly be:

1. Claim that you need accomodations
2. Don't get anything
3. Ask louder
4. Get about a quarter of what you need
5. Threaten to sue
6. Get about 50% closer to what you need
7. Live with it, with the expectation that you will fight about this again down the road

Dragging feet and acting confused about what they need to do looks like the preferred strategy for employers, etc. Being loud seems to be the preferred counter-strategy for disabled people.

2119768, that's fair
Posted by veritas, Fri Jan-25-13 04:18 PM
i was going for basic as an example.

i understand that employers aren't always cooperative, but i still don't understand what accommodations he wants.

i guess that doesn't matter, if the rockets do, but it makes it hard to have a lot of empathy, because i don't understand how white wants the problem addressed, and what the rockets aren't doing it.
2119586, so "reasonable accommodation" for his illness
Posted by veritas, Fri Jan-25-13 12:01 PM
is basically just be happy if i ever come in to work?

dude keeps bringing up the ADA, but the ADA is all about reasonable accommodation.
2119584, did you watch the vid?
Posted by FromTheGo, Fri Jan-25-13 11:59 AM
2119597, lol
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jan-25-13 12:25 PM
2119681, There's about 5 edits in that interview
Posted by cyrus, Fri Jan-25-13 01:47 PM
TK asks him some pretty specific questions, and Royce goes into his rambling non-specific explanations, and they obviously left the beginning and end in, while cutting the middle. If that's the most coherent explanation he can give, he's going to have a hard time garnering sympathy. I haven't followed it closely, so maybe he has, but it seems like all he has to do is say "I want my doctor to travel with me, and I want them to pay for it," or "I want my own personal Madden bus," but all he says is "There's things they are legally required to do under the ADA that they won't." What things? Royce never answers that, he just stays on message like a White House Spokesperson.
2119689, Exactly, put people are now enamored cuz he "speaks well".
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 02:01 PM
2119705, ppl acting like they don't understand what he wants is more confusing
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jan-25-13 02:50 PM
than his ramblings actually
since the main issue has been known since this whole thing has started.....
2119710, you don't know what he wants. he might not know.
Posted by rob, Fri Jan-25-13 02:56 PM
2119714, YOU tell me what he wants.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 02:58 PM
Not a vague response.

Actual, request.

Not, "I want them to treat mental health like any other physical illness."

2119719, he wants an independent mental health expert
Posted by Bluebear, Fri Jan-25-13 03:04 PM
to determine when and under what circumstances it is healthy for him to play. He doesn't want that decision made by a member of the rockets' staff because he doesn't trust that person to have his best interests at heart. He's saying that if it was a physical injury, he would be allowed to have an independent expert make the determination of when/whether he could play.
2119721, I thought he originally wanted his own doctor?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 03:10 PM
2119732, someone who's in it for royce the human and not royce the PF
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jan-25-13 03:26 PM
I don't like a lot of his messaging. I do grasp his stance.

we've seen trainers get dudes back on the court/field before they're supposed to, and moves made for businesses (hello, RGIII) before good common sense.

with his brain, and those challenges, he wants someone whose interests aren't intertwined with the rockets i.e. they pay him/her to determine his fitness and best practices to keep him on the straight and narrow.

it's a bold and brave stance. he's just an asshat w/ it. but it's needed. if you see what's going on out here and not realizing that folks are going nuts at an alarming rate.

bipolar/anxiety/borderline personality will be looked at like "tore his acl in hs/can't go left" in 10 years.

first one is always rough. no precedent.
2121338, which makes perfect sense when you consider how demanding
Posted by kayru99, Mon Jan-28-13 08:07 PM
sports organizations can be.

My thing is, if the Rockets drafted him, why not go all out, and just give him what he needs. You're already paying him...and independent dr ain't shit for an NBA team
2119740, dude he explains what he wants in the video, it's alluded to in this thread
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jan-25-13 03:32 PM
and if you google "royce white" you get like 4-5 articles on the first two pages detailing what he wants
apparently the rockets are close to signing the 4 page agreement that his advisers, the rockets, and the nba/union have ironed out
you're probably never going to see the bulleted points from that document, sorry
but the gist should be obvious from what we do know
he just wants the team to agree to a set of provisions that will help manage his disability. some of the shit was agreed to immediately (travel arrangements) some of the shit wasn't (him picking his own doctors, the team managing how they communicate with him)
the fact he keeps mentioning the CBA and ADA suggests that there are probably disciplinary amendments in the agreement as well
in case the muhfucker has a nervous breakdown in the middle of the season and has to miss some time
i thought the issue on the boards was that no one thought his requests were reasonable
didn't know ppl didn't even know what the issues were

another thing is ppl are acting as if dude came up with these ideas while sitting on the toilet or something
he's been working with a team of doctors to craft these requests
it's not like the shits being pulled from his ass
that's why i said half the problem is already solved because dude knows what his issues are and is taking the initiative to come up with solutions that *might* actually work
we already know what the rockets had in mind wasn't going to work....since dude left the team before the season even started
like i said they weren't fully prepared for what this situation was going require
2119751, Fam, the part that makes this all shady...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 03:49 PM
is the fact he played Summer League. He was cool.

He was in training camp. He was cool.

Pre-season, he played a little bit. He was cool.

It was reported they had protocols in place to manage him.

They assigned him to the D-League. He doesn't show up. Now there's issues.

That's why I have always been skeptical of this. But I'll wait to see what comes of it when they iron out the details.
2119755, he and the rockets had a handshake/good faith deal
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jan-25-13 03:57 PM
that he'd play while they ironed out the protocol stuff. now either there were issues w/ the cba, and nbapa, as to how to add the protocols to a standard player contract, or the rockets moved slow cause it's like whaddaya gonna do royce, not play?

or less cynical, they didn't know what to do, cause no one does. most mental health issues in teams sports occur once you've fucked up. or their kept quiet.

this is a person saying i'll mentally ill, and i want treated like an arthritic knee or any physical ailment. there's no precedent for this

but yeah, he was workin with em up until the season, and when they didn't have the shit right, he was like, nah, I'm good till y'all do.
2119764, It all seems strange, because everyone knew of his issues...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 04:07 PM
prior to them drafting him.

But if that's exactly how it went, then I guess he's more in the right than I initially gave him credit for.

I still don't like him, and that's just because he's an unlikeable person.
2119790, cmon my nigga. this is why you don't like him.
Posted by themaddfapper, Fri Jan-25-13 05:06 PM

BERNARD GOLDBERG : What did you say there? (White shouting at Kentucky)

ROYCE WHITE: I’m the best player in the country.

BERNARD GOLDBERG: Did you think that at the time?

ROYCE WHITE: I knew that at the time.

BERNARD GOLDBERG: You dunked over Anthony Davis who was the number one pick.

ROYCE WHITE: I abused him all game. I didn’t just dunk over him. I just abused their whole team all game.
2119835, 1.) the Tubby shit. 2.) Playing himself during that game like he did
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 07:55 PM
3.)Still keeping the Wildcats name in his mouth on some lying shit. Like c'mon nigga you got blown out after that and was crying.

I don't forget fam.
2119761, couple of thoughts....
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Fri Jan-25-13 04:04 PM
I mean...did the Rockets know about any of this before they drafted him? If dude had these problems you would think they surfaced in college....and honestly why would you draft him if you knew it may go this route...

the other thing...

someone mentioned about the NBA not being equipped to handle players with mental illness..... There have been players with mental issues in the NBA since there was an NBA...there are guys with these issues playing right today....

The thing about it is that he needs to work more collaboratively with the Rockets...it's not reasonable for him to expect them to pay for his own personal doctor to travel with him...nor would be reasonable for him to expect them to pay for bus travel all the time.

If he were to report to the team...and negotiate some accomadations..they'd be more than willing to work with him.

they way he's going about this is not working for him in the long run.
2119766, Yeah, it's pretty hard for me to believe that they didn't..
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Jan-25-13 04:12 PM
thoroughly investigate him before drafting him.

2119780, his anxiety disorder and fear of flying is why he was still there
Posted by KosherSam, Fri Jan-25-13 04:34 PM
when it was their turn to draft, otherwise he'd have been gone already.

(possibly terrible comparison alert) it'd be like if Manti Te'o falls to the end of the first round because of the catfishing saga, and then turns out to be mentally ill. the team that drafted him knew of his history, but he had fallen far enough in the draft that the potential reward outweighed the risk.
2119787, Hes admitted to lying about the severity of his issues
Posted by SeV, Fri Jan-25-13 04:57 PM
That alone should be enough for the rockets to cut ties with him

He signed that contract under false pretenses

Why should they trust him to make decisions on his mental health now?

dude is doing more of a disservice to mental health community more than anything

And smh@ o.e. & spm using this ish to troll lol


Dallas Heatvricks BACK 2 BACK CHAMPS!!
2119794, here's the thing..the cost of defending yourself against the lawsuit
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Fri Jan-25-13 05:26 PM
that he'd file would be pretty substantial.

I know dude has issues...and I have all the respect in the world for that..


I can't help but think that he is not coming at this from a collaborative point of view because the Rockets wanted him in the D-league....

2119803, this is why people who are with royce in this post are UNDERESTIMATING
Posted by rob, Fri Jan-25-13 05:49 PM
mental health issues. i am all for a protocol being established. but this would be done already if it was about the rockets surrounding him with support resources. they can afford to do that.

it's the nature of the beast that his concerns and triggers are going to evolve. it's going to take a lot of good faith work from EVERYONE to get to a point where this turns into a career.

2119806, this is the new Lebron era of athletes controlling their careers fam
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jan-25-13 06:10 PM
Morey or who ever probably looked into it
anxiety disorder isn't new
and players have had mental issues before , even issues with traveling
they probably thought the traveling thing would be the biggest obstacle and that's probably why it was the first and only issue agreed upon
dude basically blindsided them like no i'm telling YALL what you're going to do for ME
i don't think anyone here, in the media, or on the rockets was envisioning dude showing up with a multi page check list
new territory. trust other teams are sitting back peeping this
the rockets about to sign off on this shit too. dude is basically going to have insurance for whatever happens for the rest of this contract
houston got themselves into a fucked up situation. might as well sign off on his agreement thing, guarantee his contract mainly for PR purposes, stick him in the D league and just move on
2119866, Yeah he's just fucking it up for the next crazy dude
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri Jan-25-13 08:57 PM
2119788, Mental illness is sad.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Jan-25-13 04:58 PM
Saddest of all is that I bet there's a team that would be willing to provide some extra care in exchange for getting his talent on the court. There just needs to be something in the CBA about players with mental health needs. If Royce White can achieve that, then more power to everyone, even if it turns out that he's simply too sick to be an effective NBA player. Maybe these actions, which can seem standoffish, can help a different player in the future with mental issues when at the bargaining table to better communicate and contractually agree with the team on how to keep treatment active.
2119799, hey, guess what? idgaf if this fool is loony as charles manson
Posted by Binlahab, Fri Jan-25-13 05:44 PM

idgaf if he got to be strapped into a strait jacket before getting on a plane & then wheeled into the opposing arena like gatdamn hannibal lecter.


you cant hoop? for WHATEVER reason?

im done w/ you.

youre blind? we're done.
you suddenly develop vertigo. were done.
you too damn crazy to function? WE ARE DONE.

this isnt heaven. shit aint perfect. lifes a bitch & then you die. you trade off millions of dollars in exchange for your body & talent & maybe your soul. cant hack it? QUIT BITCH! go somewhere else! DO something else! be a basketcase while working in your local call center. IDGAF

if you cant hoop? GO AWAY ROGER.

im done.

2119808, bwhahahaah yo i'm dying
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Jan-25-13 06:18 PM

>idgaf if he got to be strapped into a strait jacket before
>getting on a plane & then wheeled into the opposing arena like
>gatdamn hannibal lecter.

in another thread somebody asked why can't they just put him to sleep before every away game flight
and somebody came in and said they should hire conrad murray as team doctor
2119868, Right, drug him like B.A., lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri Jan-25-13 08:58 PM
2119826, Somebody please explain to me what did he do at Iowa State?
Posted by Castro, Fri Jan-25-13 07:39 PM
Did he have a doctor accompany him to all games?

I assume he took a bus everywhere. Right?

Did he have any instances of panic attacks during games or practices?
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon Jan-28-13 09:31 PM
This dude is a dickhead
2151243, ^^this is where im at
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Thu Mar-21-13 02:02 PM
2120203, Let's go! Reinstated! lol
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sat Jan-26-13 11:31 PM
Houston Rockets and Royce White Joint Release

The Houston Rockets and Royce White have today reached an agreement that addresses the major issues that they have been discussing, provides a new start, and gives Royce the best opportunity for long term success as a Houston Rocket. This has been a learning process for both parties. The NBA and the National Basketball Players Association have approved the settlement. Royce is no longer suspended and is re-instated effective immediately. He will report to the Rio Grande Valley Vipers on February 11, 2013.
2121298, I don't mean to speak for Royce
Posted by forgivenphoenix, Mon Jan-28-13 06:52 PM
and as someone who deals with anxiety on a moment to moment, day to day basis, that it is a real, debilitating condition that CAN be managed effectively.

that being said, i get the sense that Royce has a false sense of entitlement regarding his 'importance' to mental health awareness for people with anxiety disorders and also to get the NBA to enact policies that make for safer and better 'work' conditions for players who suffer from mental illnesses.

i admire his aims, but his timing is specious. I don't think as a rookie he has the right to make himself a 'test-case' for mental health protocol with the NBA.

I understand that the relationship White has with the Rockets is unique and unprecedented not only from White's side of declaring his emotional struggles but also in the Rockets' implicit declaration of faith in his talents despite the extra investment it will take to allow White to be the player he could develop into. But work and team sports are as much about establishing and maintaining healthy, responsible relationships as they are about showcasing skill, and I think White has shown he hasn't been willing to at least trust the Rockets will act in good faith and honor the spirit of their commitment to him.

I know White is young (under 22) and grappling with something that many men and women struggle to manage without the added threat of having other 'co-workers' (players) use that ailment against them at work or be thought of as less of a resource because of it. But just because he's ill doesn't preclude him from being and acting responsible. Ranting about his employer for not abiding by his expectations is just unprofessional. It may be a sign of his illness, but if he is that unstable, maybe he needs to take some time off, focus on himself and his life and think about the NBA at another time.

He has the right to a life that he can feel happy in, not a right to play in the NBA. I know that sounds cruel in some respects, but how many players have we seen over the years that had emotional or mental troubles, but un-diagnosed (poor attitude, uncoachable, poor life skills) get passed over because they were talented, but unable to manage the life of representing an organization as a player?

I admire White for proclaiming his struggles and wanting to 'work' in a field that doesn't reward or really welcome weakness emotionally. I think sports ought to represent humanity in all of our potential and successes, on the scoreboard and relationally. But sports are performance based games and often times work best if everyone plays be the same expectations. If White knows he can't meet the standard, he needs to find another line of work.
2121390, thanks for this, prolly best reply in this post coming in under the wire
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Jan-28-13 10:32 PM
>and as someone who deals with anxiety on a moment to moment,
>day to day basis, that it is a real, debilitating condition
>that CAN be managed effectively.
>that being said, i get the sense that Royce has a false sense
>of entitlement regarding his 'importance' to mental health
>awareness for people with anxiety disorders and also to get
>the NBA to enact policies that make for safer and better
>'work' conditions for players who suffer from mental
>i admire his aims, but his timing is specious. I don't think
>as a rookie he has the right to make himself a 'test-case' for
>mental health protocol with the NBA.
>I understand that the relationship White has with the Rockets
>is unique and unprecedented not only from White's side of
>declaring his emotional struggles but also in the Rockets'
>implicit declaration of faith in his talents despite the extra
>investment it will take to allow White to be the player he
>could develop into. But work and team sports are as much about
>establishing and maintaining healthy, responsible
>relationships as they are about showcasing skill, and I think
>White has shown he hasn't been willing to at least trust the
>Rockets will act in good faith and honor the spirit of their
>commitment to him.
>I know White is young (under 22) and grappling with something
>that many men and women struggle to manage without the added
>threat of having other 'co-workers' (players) use that ailment
>against them at work or be thought of as less of a resource
>because of it. But just because he's ill doesn't preclude him
>from being and acting responsible. Ranting about his employer
>for not abiding by his expectations is just unprofessional. It
>may be a sign of his illness, but if he is that unstable,
>maybe he needs to take some time off, focus on himself and his
>life and think about the NBA at another time.
>He has the right to a life that he can feel happy in, not a
>right to play in the NBA. I know that sounds cruel in some
>respects, but how many players have we seen over the years
>that had emotional or mental troubles, but un-diagnosed (poor
>attitude, uncoachable, poor life skills) get passed over
>because they were talented, but unable to manage the life of
>representing an organization as a player?
>I admire White for proclaiming his struggles and wanting to
>'work' in a field that doesn't reward or really welcome
>weakness emotionally. I think sports ought to represent
>humanity in all of our potential and successes, on the
>scoreboard and relationally. But sports are performance based
>games and often times work best if everyone plays be the same
>expectations. If White knows he can't meet the standard, he
>needs to find another line of work.
2121392, agreed.
Posted by themaddfapper, Mon Jan-28-13 10:36 PM
2121509, Caught his Real Sports interview, I guess I don't get it
Posted by bentagain, Tue Jan-29-13 09:51 AM
Some of the examples he gives for his anxiety

flying, driving, etc...

I know personally give me anxiety as well

now I realize I'm not paralyzed when I'm about to board a plane

but it does take a good deal of prayer to get me through the experience

and I'm always looking at other drivers, what they're doing, giving myself enough distance to react, etc...

that's called safe driving


what struck me was his career at Iowa State

he never missed a game

they even said he took a team flight to Italy

I think it's admirable that he has a good moral agenda

but it's an agenda


he should be playing.

I mean they document his draft day experience

agent: this team passed on you, this team passed on you, this team passed on you, etc...

that would be enough to make a normal person lose their shit

this kid truly believed he was the best player in the country

and it looked like he was gonna get passed over in the first round

the only reason he did get drafted was because Hoiberg had played for McHale

and personally vouched for Royce

making him look like a fool
2151064, Truths post reminded me to post this:
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Thu Mar-21-13 08:23 AM
hilarious, sad all at the same time


Those texts messages if real are something else. (see link)

“I’ve been dealing with Royce White for a minute and he’s a joke!!! He wants everyone in the league to have sympathy for him for his “anxiety” but the only anxiety he has is not knowing how to pull out. The first time we had sex he NEVER even strapped up and this was our first time sleeping together.
Not my thing to do or anything, but he’s weird and likes to ask girls to eat his ass. I looked at him like he was craaaaazy. Well fast forward to now and I am 5 weeks pregnant with his child.

When I told him I was pregnant, he made it seem like I hopped on top of myself and got pregnant and then said he didn’t want me to have it bc of his other kids. He already has 2 other children by two different women, one is 2 and the other is 2 1/2. Not surprising. I’m just frustrated now bc he’s blaming me for being pregnant.

Just wanted to let u know and let any future or current girl dealing with him to know what kind of guy he is. I also sent you screenshots to his response when I told him I was pregnant.
2151071, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dHUfy_YBps
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Mar-21-13 08:36 AM
2151083, his heroes are john lennon and sinatra....He YOURS, White Media
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Mar-21-13 09:12 AM
2151235, LOL
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Thu Mar-21-13 01:48 PM
Royce White ✔ @Highway_30

Have been advised by our team physician it is most logical I be in Houston the remainder of the season. Thank you @rgvvipers for having me.

Royce White ✔ @Highway_30

Never said I'd be rejoining the @HoustonRockets... only that I'd be returning to Houston. Again, thank you @rgvvipers for having me.

Wonder if hes having "anxiety" over teh baby mama shit. Theres only 1 week left in the dleague season
2151238, ........
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Thu Mar-21-13 01:57 PM