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Topic subjectThe Ultimate Fighter on FX.
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2117739, The Ultimate Fighter on FX.
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Jan-22-13 09:36 PM
Anyone else watching? Have to admit I didn't want to watch this season too much and I was flipping channels and mainly stayed on FX because Justified is on at 10 right after. I'm guessing I will probably get sick of if in house antics and such, but the skills the guys are showing so far in the first fights to allow Chael and Jon to decide the teams are pretty nice in terms of the skills shown. I think the Chael/Jon fight itself is a farce, but this season looks like it will be pretty decent in terms of the talent. Also, it appears FX is investing some time and money into this season based on the time slot and the production level looks like it increase fivefold compared to the prior seasons.
2117741, I've watched the entire show, very entertaining
Posted by Ill Jux, Tue Jan-22-13 09:40 PM
seems to be a lot of talent heading into the house. and the Kneegrow fighters are undefeated so far. fuck the last 2 seasons of TUF, i saw a few eps and was uninterested, the TUF brasil show was way better.
2126536, did any of you see that vicious kick?
Posted by Ill Jux, Tue Feb-05-13 09:52 PM
wow, that was some crazy shit.
2126610, Guess no one else is watching this season
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Feb-05-13 11:00 PM
but the impressive thing about that kick is that he didn't have much room to pull that off.
2126703, I'm watching
Posted by xangeluvr, Wed Feb-06-13 03:16 AM
But don't usually catch it till days later because of other responsibilities.
2126724, I saw it
Posted by Ceej, Wed Feb-06-13 07:44 AM
Think Dana oversold it a lil

Apparently there's stuff we're not allowed to see
2126731, RE: I saw it
Posted by Ill Jux, Wed Feb-06-13 08:29 AM
>Think Dana oversold it a lil

I don't think he oversold it. the kick was dope, and that white dude looked like he could have REALLY been hurt. everyone in the gym calmed down after the initial excitement of the kick, they were all worried about his health. shit, seeing dude on the canvas like that had me worried.
2126740, Difference in knocking someone out in a small space compared to an arena...
Posted by Frank Mackey, Wed Feb-06-13 08:47 AM
Being able to hear that guy struggle for air adds a whole different aspect to the sport and what you just did to another human being.
2126994, ^^^
Posted by Roadblock, Wed Feb-06-13 02:12 PM
2126762, RE: I saw it
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Feb-06-13 09:51 AM
>Think Dana oversold it a lil
>Apparently there's stuff we're not allowed to see

I think I read a tweet Dana made yesterday that the guy was out a lot longer than what TUF showed last night. From what I rememeber, Dana said he was on his back for about 6 minutes and sat on his stool for about 8. Still though, pretty impressive for a contestant on that show to land that move, muchless that he didn't have much room to full extend his leg to get the full power behind the move.
2127863, Yeah the segment was edited down
Posted by josephmurf2384, Thu Feb-07-13 08:00 PM
they said he took like 25 mins to regain composure.
2126788, gifs incoming
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Feb-06-13 10:33 AM



2126990, saw that shit coming
Posted by Roadblock, Wed Feb-06-13 02:11 PM
white dude was fatigued & hovering dead center
it was only a matter of time before tee off

2127032, that kick was something else
Posted by xangeluvr, Wed Feb-06-13 02:51 PM
i mentioned above that i don't usually catch the episode till days later, but i had to check it out since ya'll were mentioning the kick. wow, that kick connected so clean.

everyone's reaction after that kick reminds me when i was young. i was in a tournament and i did a jump spinning back kick. i connected with dude's chin and my foot came down and i blasted him right in the throat. he was down for a while and had trouble breathing. everybody stood around shook just like in this episode. its a terrible feeling knowing you hurt somebody like that even when the very nature of what you are doing calls for it.

only couple things about uriah hall is how he has a tendency to lean really far back to avoid punches leaving his feet planted and he seemed to be gassing the last minute and half of the round. we'll see how that plays out when he comes up against a grappler with good striking defense.
2127056, RE: that kick was something else
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Feb-06-13 03:20 PM
>only couple things about uriah hall is how he has a tendency
>to lean really far back to avoid punches leaving his feet
>planted and he seemed to be gassing the last minute and half
>of the round. we'll see how that plays out when he comes up
>against a grappler with good striking defense.

Similar to Jon Jones, it seems as if dude's stong suit are his kicks and not his straight up boxing, at least based on that fight last night. I'm sure Jon Jones told his fighter to press forward so that he was out of range of Uriah Hall's kicks and while his boxing wasn't that impressive, he did a great job of pressing forward. I'm amazed Uriah was able to pull that off since the leg than landed the kick wasn't fully extended. I'm sure the people that trained Uriah Hall in Tiger Schullman are very proud.
2127313, I think he meant to kick like that
Posted by xangeluvr, Wed Feb-06-13 09:33 PM
Based on my kicking experience I actually think he intended to keep his leg bent due to the shorter distance. I was never taught to, but instinctively did the same. Once you throw a few hundred of a kick you really learn how to judge it's effective distance and how to tweak it.

>I'm amazed Uriah was able to pull that off
>since the leg than landed the kick wasn't fully extended. I'm
>sure the people that trained Uriah Hall in Tiger Schullman are
>very proud.
2128017, that dude got rocked
Posted by AlBundy, Fri Feb-08-13 03:37 AM
“The other dude after me didn’t help my case. It was just like…crazy nigga factory going on.”
Dre makes no apologies for his own eccentricities. “I was young, and searching, trying to find myself,” he says. “Never did.”-- Andre B
2127781, PG-13
Posted by Ceej, Thu Feb-07-13 05:25 PM
2127783, word. good looking out.
Posted by PG, Thu Feb-07-13 05:27 PM
2127790, damn. kick was high and tight too.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Feb-07-13 05:41 PM
2127832, Check this
Posted by Ceej, Thu Feb-07-13 06:47 PM
2127933, How old is that fight?
Posted by xangeluvr, Thu Feb-07-13 10:40 PM

Uriah looked scared as hell to throw a kick probably based on weidman being a wrestler.
2128016, 2010
Posted by Ceej, Fri Feb-08-13 03:33 AM
2156906, Anyone watching tonight's episode?
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Apr-02-13 08:50 PM
Holy fuck.
2156985, RE: Anyone watching tonight's episode?
Posted by movement, Tue Apr-02-13 10:24 PM
Dana is usually on that bullshit when hyping TUF, but Hall is the real deal, dude is nasty.

Looks like NOS commercials have been indicating the finale all season long. Hall needs to destroy Josh. That guy irks the shit out of me.
2156990, Yea I mentioned that a few weeks ago
Posted by Ceej, Tue Apr-02-13 10:29 PM
If that is not the final it will suck.
2160755, Dana White making Batman sound effects
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Apr-10-13 08:47 AM
as dude was landing those vicious legs kicks was almost as entertaining as that mauling he poured on in the end of the second round. Anyone know if dude is still training only with Tiger Schullman (sp?)?
2160758, you can hear the cash register sounds going off in Dana's head
Posted by T Reynolds, Wed Apr-10-13 09:00 AM

he's all


but yeah Uriah is next level

he's so fucking fast

can't see him being the next Silva or anything just yet

and as a sidenote I realize Sonnen got whooped by Silva and was talking shit before the fight w/ him and everything

but what the fuck was that "and I refuse to say that puke's name" pointing at Silva's banner?

2160904, It's his fake bad guy schtick
Posted by Ceej, Wed Apr-10-13 02:49 PM

>but what the fuck was that "and I refuse to say that puke's
>name" pointing at Silva's banner?
2161065, Just started watching Like Water that Silva doc and I think Chael
Posted by T Reynolds, Thu Apr-11-13 07:46 AM
was only partially playing a role

at a certain point you extend past bravado and start showing your ass

2160899, If anybody on this season can do it.. it's Kelvin.
Posted by PG, Wed Apr-10-13 02:40 PM
I think he has this over Hall... Hall will have to go for the immediate kill if he tries to pick Kelvin apart like he did Dylan he will get taken down beaten and quite possibly submitted...

I don't see Kelvin getting in a defensive shell @ all.. I don't see him being intimidated by Hall like everybody else was/is.. I see him willing to close the distance and throw and I see his wrestling and tenacity beating Hall.

all that said Hall might very well end it instantly.. but to do that he needs to not be conservative about it.. he second guesses himself and he's gonna get smothered and whooped. Hall is a beast but I think Kelvin could very well be the truth in this matchup.
2160903, Assuming Uriah Hall gets taken down
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Apr-10-13 02:47 PM
he still has long legs and perhaps I've been listening to too much Eddie Bravo in the past, but hopefully dude has been working on his guard work and can get submissions or do damage from the bottom, similiar to how he did last night. But I do agree with you that Kelvin is good on the ground and is definately better than Hall in that regard.
2160910, He looked fucking scary from the bottom but let's face it
Posted by PG, Wed Apr-10-13 03:04 PM
Dylan had absolutely no offense the whole fight and Hall nearly blew his arms out going for that Kimora before he realized it wasn't gonna cut it.. he won't be able to throw from the bottom like he did then because Kelvin will be putting the hurt on him... plus the level of composure Kelvin showed under Josh's Jujitsu tells me Hall will not be much of a submission threat...

Hall has to finish this quick or at least catch Kelvin standing to win this.. I really think Kelvin has the heart to grind this out.

mind I like them both and won't be the least bit dissapointed if either wins.
2161012, Hall's bjj looked very very bad
Posted by RobOne4, Wed Apr-10-13 10:55 PM
you see how Rousey was working him on the ground? Granted she knows the arm bar but he was clueless. Kelvin has surprised me so much. His first fight was meh. Him controlling the position and not doing much damage. But he has improved each fight and he really knows how to control you on the ground. He has a good gas tank too. Hopefully Hall is working his takedown defense and sweeps.
2162162, Good Call
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Sun Apr-14-13 08:36 AM
2162182, RE: If anybody on this season can do it.. it's Kelvin.
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Apr-14-13 10:08 AM
>I think he has this over Hall... Hall will have to go for the
>immediate kill if he tries to pick Kelvin apart like he did
>Dylan he will get taken down beaten and quite possibly
>I don't see Kelvin getting in a defensive shell @ all.. I
>don't see him being intimidated by Hall like everybody else
>was/is.. I see him willing to close the distance and throw and
>I see his wrestling and tenacity beating Hall.
>all that said Hall might very well end it instantly.. but to
>do that he needs to not be conservative about it.. he second
>guesses himself and he's gonna get smothered and whooped.
>Hall is a beast but I think Kelvin could very well be the
>truth in this matchup.

You called this perfectly. Hall pissed me off when he thought he was Silva and put himself flat against the cage with his hands down. Dude needs to go the route of Jon Jones and humble himself to strap on that BJJ white belt and improve his ground game.
2162198, Man Hall looked HORRIBLE
Posted by RobOne4, Sun Apr-14-13 11:49 AM
even though Kelvin worked him he did not look the same. Looked like the jitters got to him.

Kelvin looked great though. If he keeps that hard work up he can have a great career.
2161037, A dude I trained with is fighting on this show on Saturday.
Posted by Kira, Thu Apr-11-13 12:09 AM
Hopefully Bristol wins.

He's a good dude outside the ring.