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Topic subjectso trey burke wack ass better than b-mac, dogg?
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2107711, so trey burke wack ass better than b-mac, dogg?
Posted by Basaglia, Wed Jan-09-13 09:18 PM
man, if the cavs fuck THIS one up, i'm done.

you pass on klay...then lamb...now, here's a youngin who far better than BOTH.

i swear ta god...they bette take him. and they better take rodney williams later...late first or early second.
2107741, that boy going to the league!
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jan-09-13 09:44 PM
him or shabazz, who better?

and who rodney williams?
2107743, bamma, try-hard, super-dumb SF for minne
Posted by Basaglia, Wed Jan-09-13 09:45 PM
tubby makin him smart tho...his IQ aint natural tho.
2107755, lol
Posted by cgonz00cc, Wed Jan-09-13 09:54 PM
I neither claimed he was a better nba prospect nor do I care about a poor shooting night
2107774, There's a Trey Burke every year
Posted by Ceej, Wed Jan-09-13 10:12 PM
2107794, exactly...he generic as fuck
Posted by Basaglia, Wed Jan-09-13 10:24 PM
2107914, ...in college
Posted by ErnestLee, Wed Jan-09-13 11:54 PM
2107917, on earth...fuck no...that includes college
Posted by Basaglia, Wed Jan-09-13 11:57 PM
2155316, Oh
Posted by ErnestLee, Sat Mar-30-13 03:01 PM
2155317, lol...powerful uppage
Posted by guru0509, Sat Mar-30-13 03:04 PM
Too bad Duke isnt in michigan's region...It would be nice to see McGary vs Plumlee and Curry/Cook vs Burke

To be honest, I thought McL was a better athlete with more NBA potential, while Burke was the better college pg.

But now it's not even close anymore.

Burke has that killer instinct while McL is nowhere to be seen in big games.

2155324, There have been numerous undersize college PGs with killer instinct...
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Mar-30-13 03:39 PM
... that become at best decent pros. There's a reason that the number of terrific college PGs 6'0 and under that go late-first to second faaaaar outweighs the number of college PGs 6'0 and under that go lotto.

Without looking, outside of Chris Paul, who qualifies as a 6' and under PG that went lotto since? Augustin, Telfair, Flynn, Ford... I'm sure I'm missing one.

Not that I think Burke isn't a pro. He would be better than a few teams' starters right away, especially late lotto, mid-first. I just don't see him as your permanent solution at the point, primarily due to size-- a strong backup or sixth man best case scenario, Jonny Flynn worst case scenario.

I would bank on McLemore becoming a better pro than Burke though. That's a no-brainer IMO, not any sort of bold agenda claim.

(This is all outside of the obvious, which is Burke is beasting in this tourney.)
2155331, Burke has a higher bball IQ IMO...
Posted by guru0509, Sat Mar-30-13 03:51 PM
if he didn't have to handle so much of the scoring load himself, I'm positive he would be averaging at least 3-4 more dimes per game...

IDK, McL looks the part, I'm just not sold on his demeanor/make up

>... that become at best decent pros. There's a reason that
>the number of terrific college PGs 6'0 and under that go
>late-first to second faaaaar outweighs the number of college
>PGs 6'0 and under that go lotto.
>Without looking, outside of Chris Paul, who qualifies as a 6'
>and under PG that went lotto since? Augustin, Telfair, Flynn,
>Ford... I'm sure I'm missing one.

Mike Conley Jr, a few others..I'll remember when I'm sober

2155335, McLemore's demeanor and makeup are more than good.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Mar-30-13 04:06 PM
He played terrific basketball nearly all year. Some road woes, but that's not uncommon in freshman shooters. That stroke don't lie.

Conley was younger, so I forgot that he grew an inch or so once drafted. I was also gonna cyse Conley's wingspan, but I think Burke's is probably 6'4, 6'5 too.
2160246, IMO McLemore is a stud, strong mental makeup, polish
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Apr-08-13 11:48 PM
He is kind of a throwback, better prospect than his numbers show.
2155508, ^^factually correct
Posted by bshelly, Sun Mar-31-13 08:00 AM
2155361, see this bullshit. this is EXACTLY what was said about harden...
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Mar-30-13 06:04 PM
it is EXACTLY what was said. y'all put all that stock in a 6-game tourney and wrote harden off as a subpar athlete and weak-willed player. NOW, in 2013, muhfuckas wanna be friends. it's disgusting.

so, when ernie, the king of "well, who couldn't predict a lottery pick was gonna be good," starts copping pleas next year when b-mac is beasting, him, you and anyone else co-signing need to just suck it up and not depend on this weak ass search function to hide your stupidity.
2155386, I never said a word about James Harden...go cry elsewhere.
Posted by guru0509, Sat Mar-30-13 07:10 PM
2155389, Don't make me go to the search function
Posted by Ceej, Sat Mar-30-13 07:31 PM
2155392, Where did I say he wouldnt beast in the L?
Posted by ErnestLee, Sat Mar-30-13 07:36 PM
This is more about Burke and your epically wrong assessments of him. Just awful. Quinn Cook? Seriously? I mean if there's "a Trey Burke every year" how many Quinn Cooks are there? 70? 100?
2155438, no y'all niggas kyrie hate was EPICALLY wrong...trey burke?
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Mar-30-13 08:36 PM
yeah...i'll stand by it.

2155469, Stand by what?
Posted by ErnestLee, Sat Mar-30-13 09:45 PM
He's arguably the best player in the nation. Period. You could not have been more wrong about him. Swing and a miss, you'll get em next time.
2160284, let him be wrong a while and then he can quietly weasel out later
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Apr-09-13 02:07 AM
on some "i'm the bigger man, but now here is an underhanded comment blaming the player as if my opinion matters" type of thing.
2155320, LOL!!!!!
Posted by isaaaa, Sat Mar-30-13 03:26 PM

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2155321, holla @ em dawg...
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Mar-30-13 03:30 PM

<---- 5....

Occupy Big Government..

Fannie, Freddie dole out big bonuses
2155338, Racism
Posted by Ceej, Sat Mar-30-13 04:30 PM
2155357, good...you'll get walked down. again.
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Mar-30-13 05:59 PM
2155359, So now it's about a team?
Posted by Ceej, Sat Mar-30-13 06:01 PM
2155364, apparently it is
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Mar-30-13 06:14 PM
it was upped because michigan won, right?
2155372, Well Burke played Ben in a big game and outshined him, like it wasn't even close
Posted by Ceej, Sat Mar-30-13 06:42 PM
Macilginneys only memorable moment of the game was a 90mph fastball at the backboard that went in for 3.

Meanwhile Burke won the game by himself

Also Benny 1 dime failed to cross the bk assist line of 2..... In an OT game
2155394, it's hilarious u even needed to type that out
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Mar-30-13 07:41 PM
2155410, You're not saying McLemore had a bad game, are you?
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Mar-30-13 07:55 PM
Cuz he did play really well. The only thing that stopped him from being the hero of the game for Kansas was Burke having ice cold water in his veins.

Burke played better, of course, especially because they won. But if Burke misses that one extra long 3, McLemore is the focus of media praise today.
2155415, He didnt score a point the final 16 minutes of the game
Posted by ErnestLee, Sat Mar-30-13 08:02 PM
Im not sure he even registered a stat. Ghost.
2155422, Elijah Johnson has a tendency to go hero ball at the end.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Mar-30-13 08:12 PM
I don't really blame him for not being aggressive before the end of the second half, as they were sitting on the lead and just letting Elijah do his thing.

In overtime, yeah, he should've gotten the ball, but again, down the stretch it tends to be the Elijah Johnson Show. Didn't he just go iso four of their like six or seven possessions in OT?

I don't blame Ben for that loss. He was the chief reason they opened up a lead in the first place. They obviously should've gotten him the ball more down the stretch and especially in OT.
2155425, Elijah Johnson torpedoed the shit out of that game.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Mar-30-13 08:13 PM
2155455, He shoulda been kicked out
Posted by Ceej, Sat Mar-30-13 09:09 PM
Thanks refs
2155419, B Mac didn't do shit in the clutch... not a damn thing...
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Mar-30-13 08:07 PM

<---- 5....

Occupy Big Government..

Fannie, Freddie dole out big bonuses
2155429, So we're supposed to ignore a great player's strong performance...
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Mar-30-13 08:17 PM
... because of Burke's miraculous last minute saving UM?

Again, if Burke misses that shot, no one cares that McLemore was ignored down the stretch. He led the team in scoring on over 50% shooting. He secured them their lead. He's struggled at times away from home, and for most of the game, he didn't.

Kansas just isn't a team that runs their offense through McLemore every play. They run through Johnson, who was horrendous, and who struggled to pass except inexplicably on that last play. If Johnson makes one more free throw in regulation or makes one more pass to an open player instead of chucking a 3, the game is different.

I just struggle to believe that people left that game going "I'm not sure about McLemore as a pro."
2155424, Did you even watch last night's game?
Posted by guru0509, Sat Mar-30-13 08:12 PM
Dude got shut down.
2155430, I did. I watched him fucking beast in the first.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Mar-30-13 08:18 PM
And much of the second.

Truthfully, I didn't even pay much attention to the 8 to 2 minute mark in the second half, as the game felt pretty in hand. I had no idea he didn't score during that stretch.

I watched that pretty stroke and I watched that athleticism and height for a 2 guard in action.

I also watched Elijah, as he's done much of the year, go countless possessions without giving the best player the rock. And I watched Elijah blow the game singlehandedly as much as Burke stole it.
2155457, he played well in one out of six halves in this tourney
Posted by Bombastic, Sat Mar-30-13 09:13 PM
not saying that's some sort of indicator that he won't be a good pro but he was horrible in this tournament overall.
2155487, Oh, no doubt. Probably why I was so impressed with last game.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Mar-30-13 11:14 PM
But yeah, he'll be a top three pro from this draft. Crazy how good a shooter he is already without having even met his full potential.
2155493, see, now i'mma refer to THIS thread a year from now
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Mar-30-13 11:52 PM
as proof of just HOW MANY people truly doubted and hated on b-mac and niggas gonna SWEAR that NOBODY said he wouldn't be a beast. you dudes can really be some bullshit sometimes. it's amazing.
2155500, What does present peformance have to do with future potential?
Posted by ErnestLee, Sun Mar-31-13 01:31 AM
He HAS kinda sucked this tourney. He DID dissapear when it mattered. And Trey Burke, right yesterday, DID outshine him. Like, alot. That and him being a beast in the L are two entirely different things.
2155502, did you even read what I wrote there?
Posted by Bombastic, Sun Mar-31-13 02:06 AM
2155529, nga stop... lol
Posted by LegacyNS, Sun Mar-31-13 10:29 AM
If we're hating on B Mac it's for one thing. He didn't show up in the clutch IN THIS GAME.

No one projected that he won't be a star at the next level.
No one said he sucks.

You hated on Burke & Burke busted his @ss in the sweet sixteen & sent his ass home, period. That's all this post is about & you know it.

<---- 5....

Occupy Big Government..

Fannie, Freddie dole out big bonuses
2155393, 23 and 10, ice cold, best player on the court
Posted by ErnestLee, Sat Mar-30-13 07:39 PM
*thats* why it was upped.
2160226, He played great...be proud
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Apr-08-13 11:14 PM
But still....
2160259, Holy desperation Batman!
Posted by ErnestLee, Tue Apr-09-13 12:28 AM
2160298, you the one who upped it
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Apr-09-13 06:18 AM
i'd honestly forgotten about it, but you got hyped and wanted to talk shit.

great season tho. enjoy his mediocrity at the next level.
2155510, lol @ FLongo in here kevin costnering bags agenda
Posted by southphillyman, Sun Mar-31-13 08:13 AM
classic game. burke has tier 1 court vision and nba range
better college player duh but he still probably gotta cross those fingers for late lotto
2155515, He's Trollin harder than Sarah trolls him
Posted by Ceej, Sun Mar-31-13 08:27 AM
2155534, next spin, The Naismith Award doesn't mean he's better, HAHAHA
Posted by bentagain, Sun Mar-31-13 11:02 AM
this and the Cook agenda are easy Ls
2155563, Christ, so now thinking the #1 draft pick is better is an agenda?!?!
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Mar-31-13 01:44 PM
The anti-agenda people are right, this shit is ruining the boards. I can't even say the #1 pick is a better NBA prospect than a mid-lotto guy without everyone saying "OH HE'S JUST PIGGYBACKING BA."

I have zero agendas other than Duke players. Saying one player is a stronger NBA prospect isn't an agenda.

Good grief.
2155566, RE: so trey burke wack ass better than b-mac, dogg?
Posted by bentagain, Sun Mar-31-13 01:50 PM

today, the only answer is Yes!

you in for the long play

up this post next year

but today

2155567, But where is my L?
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Mar-31-13 01:53 PM
I didn't say McLemore is better than Burke this season. I already said Burke is the Naismith winner.

But McLemore is clearly the better NBA prospect IMO. I don't see why that puts me in a "camp" for stating the obvious.

The Duke shit, fine. I ride for Duke players-- duh, I went there. It's to be expected.

But all this other shit? C'mon.
2155583, today was the first time i saw this thread so maybe there's some
Posted by southphillyman, Sun Mar-31-13 02:20 PM
history i'm unaware of
but the thread is describing burke as "wack" and positioning him against mclemore when i haven't seen a single mock draft with burke projected higher
why does this thread even exist? it's basically a manufactured agenda. a low risk one at that.
saying mclemore is a better nba prospect is not outlandish but trying to minimize burke's performance in that game kinda is
especially when it's only being done so that the bags doesn't look stupid as ppl party

and burke is ballin again today, good for him

2155587, You'll notice I didn't post until yesterday.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Mar-31-13 02:25 PM
There's no argument to be made that Burke has been worse *this season* than McLemore. Burke is at absolute worst a top three player this season, and I think he's been the best.

I was merely arguing that McLemore's game the other day, despite the absence of shots late, wasn't the disaster people are making it out to be-- in fact, he played quite well overall. Elijah Johnson wrecked the game, not McLemore.

Nowhere did I say that McLemore played better than Burke. Cuz he didn't. Burke was a beast.
2155588, RE: why does this thread even exist? Because that Cook post is
Posted by bentagain, Sun Mar-31-13 02:28 PM

Ba moved the goalposts to the "#1" NBA prospect

which is a defeated agenda to begin with

some hypothetical future projection BS that couldn't even be argued to begin with

what can't be argued is whether or not Burke is better TODAY!!!

do we even know if McLemore will be the #1 pick, NO

do we even know if CLE would draft McLemore, NO

this whole post is struggle
2160249, just coming in on record to say that i think mclemore is
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Apr-08-13 11:55 PM
about the top prospect in this draft, certainly the guy i'd want.

that probably makes you nervous.

but yes, i am being serious and said it during the preseason tourneys as well.

there are a few guys i havent seen that much of but i'd definitely take him over the other wing guys out there (e.g. shabazz). it's tempting to go for a big guy but i don't think there is anyone #1 overall good.
2160304, Ray Allen sucked in big games at UCONN until he hit the shot vs. AI
Posted by Castro, Tue Apr-09-13 07:22 AM
and that shot was a shaky ass floater that happened to go in....this kid (B-Mac) is a lot like Ray, except he is going to go pro after one year...so the question is, when and how will he be able to develop like Ray did? What if he ends up in Sacramento/Seattle?

Trey Burke is good, but I don't see him being a future hall of famer, and with B-Mac, if he goes to the wrong organization, he will be set back 3-5 years before he MIGHT get a chance to realize his potential.

Reason #181781 why this agenda trading card red hand gang bullshit sucks.

2160319, b-mac a star...his skills are scheme independant
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Apr-09-13 08:51 AM
2387487, What did I tell you about him? And he is in Sac. Dude needs a change.
Posted by Castro, Thu Nov-06-14 11:18 PM
2387496, he's going to be just fine.
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Nov-07-14 12:25 AM
2387351, Way better than Klay
Posted by ErnestLee, Thu Nov-06-14 04:58 PM
Search works fine.
2387360, this gon bite you quick, because he's starting to put it together
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Nov-06-14 05:06 PM
i know you were REALLY REALLY REALLY hoping your michigan kid would beat him out for that spot (yeah, you thought about the angle), but b-mac coming around...just like rivers...just like bennett.

and when the time comes, you will be among those who will have to answer for what you said. but rather than simply doing that, i know i'll have to scratch and claw for a simple "i was wrong."

trey a goomba, by the way...he's a walking talking Dante Exum test dummy.
2387362, "far better than Klay"
Posted by ErnestLee, Thu Nov-06-14 05:07 PM
2387368, find where SOMEONE not named basaglia said Klay would be a star
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Nov-06-14 05:13 PM

i've said kyrie was gonna be better than isiah, dude. it's what i do. both mine. *shrug*
2387373, FAR better
Posted by ErnestLee, Thu Nov-06-14 05:22 PM
2387374, FAR...both mine.
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Nov-06-14 05:25 PM
2387418, So is Superbeas
Posted by ErnestLee, Thu Nov-06-14 08:25 PM
Win some lose some.
2387453, EXACTLY…just don't be fucking drag when i win some.
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Nov-06-14 09:31 PM

who couldn't predict a lottery pick would be a star? YOU MOTHERFUCKAS, THAT'S WHO? YOU ALL DIDN'T PREDICT HARDEN, LOVE, GRIFF, KLAY would be ****STARS****….i did.

2387456, Cool. Just dont claim your hem haws as wins.
Posted by ErnestLee, Thu Nov-06-14 09:36 PM
2387500, if i don't even get my wins, what does it matter?
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Nov-07-14 12:47 AM
2387357, Trey Burke looked lost at times last night, as soon as Exum improves...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Nov-06-14 05:03 PM
his conditioning its a wrap.
2387503, gonna be funny when stauskas bumps him to the bench
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Nov-07-14 01:47 AM
2401813, well, that didn't happen
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Dec-21-14 09:37 PM
2401969, im not in this for a quick Cash N Dash
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Dec-22-14 10:44 AM
The fact that it hasnt happened by XMas of Stauskas's rookie year has no impact on my confidence in this
2401971, cool. we'll see.
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Dec-22-14 10:45 AM
2401975, Yeah, he gonna lose this one
Posted by auragin_boi, Mon Dec-22-14 10:53 AM
I was really disappointed in B-Mac's rookie year (I had a convo on here about how Sac wouldn't let him go hard last year) but it was just the fact he wasn't ready yet. Now that he's been in the league a year, you can tell he's comfortable in what he can do AND he spent the summer getting better.

Dude is coming and a few folx better watch themselves.

I'd take him on the Bulls in a heartbeat.
2401976, he talmbout he in it for the long haul, like i ain't get fried a year
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Dec-22-14 10:55 AM