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Topic subjectChris Broussard Appreciation Post
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1927724, Chris Broussard Appreciation Post
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Feb-29-12 05:11 PM
Since the trade deadline is coming up, I think it's time to put up an appreciation post for the man who has made "Sources say..." a punchline in the NBA. I could go on but I just give you this little nugget from his latest report.

"In December, the Celtics had discussions with Golden State about a Stephen Curry-for-Rondo deal, and one source says it was Golden State that decided against pulling the trigger. But Curry's recent ankle injuries, which have caused him several problems in his short career, have given the Celtics pause. The potential trade is still being discussed by Boston's braintrust, but they aren't sure they want to go forward with it. It also isn't clear whether the Warriors would be willing to do it. Other players would have to be thrown in to make it work financially."

So per Broussard, the Warriors and Celtics are discussing a trade that neither of them want and that doesn't work financially. There's gotta be a better way to word that report.
1927978, Sources say if their trade for Paul had gone through,
Posted by bentagain, Wed Feb-29-12 10:00 PM

they would have subsequently made a trade for Beasley.

a first rounder from DAL, as long as it's not in the top 20 doesn't sound like too much for Beas

amnesty Ron Ron

1928078, http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g135/gmjigga/MSOURCES.jpg
Posted by icecold21, Wed Feb-29-12 11:29 PM
1928080, http://static03.mediaite.com/sportsgrid/uploads/2012/01/chris-broussard-memphis.jpg
Posted by icecold21, Wed Feb-29-12 11:30 PM
1928098, 3-6 maphia
Posted by Guinness, Thu Mar-01-12 12:06 AM
1928140, he look like he cant scrap
Posted by AlBundy, Thu Mar-01-12 03:58 AM
“The other dude after me didn’t help my case. It was just like…crazy nigga factory going on.”
Dre makes no apologies for his own eccentricities. “I was young, and searching, trying to find myself,” he says. “Never did.”-- Andre B
1937666, what does this dude have to do to be fired?
Posted by rjc27, Thu Mar-15-12 08:28 AM
Two things that stick-out about Chris Broussard...

1/ He knows nothing about basketball... He is talking today how the Knicks have "discussed" sending Melo for Deron Williams but he is not sure if they would be willing to do it... Yes, Chris, the Knicks are the one's who would have trouble doing that deal! Any GM would take Deron Williams over Carmelo in a NY Minute...

2/ He has no sources, he honestly just guesses I think, I don't think he has any inside info with any organization in the NBA...
1937670, sources said = heads at the barbershop
Posted by bentagain, Thu Mar-15-12 08:35 AM
but his cut always looks thirsty

so its probably

sources said = dudes at happy hour

1937823, To be fair, that "discussion" did reportedly happen
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu Mar-15-12 11:03 AM
It was reported elsewhere that D'Antoni wanted to offer 'Melo for Deron but Dolan wanted to keep Carmelo and that was the beginning of their rift. Of course, I highly doubt that New Jersey would have done it so it's moot.
1937826, right and Id be willing to bet
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Thu Mar-15-12 11:07 AM
>It was reported elsewhere that D'Antoni wanted to offer 'Melo
>for Deron but Dolan wanted to keep Carmelo and that was the
>beginning of their rift. Of course, I highly doubt that New
>Jersey would have done it so it's moot.

A good number of GMS would take Melo over Deron...if not just for the fact he'd put more people in seats
2003568, Up this for the offseason
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Jul-03-12 10:50 AM
My favorite report so far has been his claiming that the Nets deal for Joe Johnson was contingent on the Nets signing Deron... but then sources said that the Nets changed their mind and did it without the guarantee.

It reminds me of the old story of a radio announcer realizing that he'd been calling the wrong name during a long TD run and instead of admitting he said the wrong name he announced that, before getting in the end zone, the person he'd said was running lateraled it to the actual runner.
2003570, i got a couple of friends that send 'breaking news trade' texts
Posted by Cenario, Tue Jul-03-12 10:54 AM
a couple of times a day.

I call them the dark skin chris Broussard's. Even the light skinned ones.
2134719, I've got a coworker who stays coming at me with "news"
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Feb-20-13 07:00 PM
from Bleacher Report

The conversation turns out the exact same every way, with me telling him that shit ain't news.
2134721, Bleacher Report is getting way too much run lately, regular outlets
Posted by Bombastic, Wed Feb-20-13 07:18 PM
are starting to report on nonsense some slackjawl typed there.
2134806, Outlets are looking for anything to talk about
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Feb-20-13 09:34 PM
I'm honestly surprised that OKSports hasn't been referenced yet. They look for any source at all to bring up some nonsense and have four of their talking heads argue about it.
2003573, He'd be scary as fuck playing the Leprechaun in the horror movie
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue Jul-03-12 10:57 AM
2134694, According to sources...
Posted by bentagain, Wed Feb-20-13 06:25 PM
2134720, white people can have him in the race draft
Posted by southphillyman, Wed Feb-20-13 07:16 PM
2134722, he kinda looks like that Chappelle white news anchor
Posted by Bombastic, Wed Feb-20-13 07:18 PM
2134801, Give them Chris Broussard in exchange for Bombastic.
Posted by Radio Rahim, Wed Feb-20-13 09:29 PM