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Topic subjectWho will be UNC's next all-star? This is a mad-making thread.
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1915480, Who will be UNC's next all-star? This is a mad-making thread.
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 07:30 PM
But it's also a legit question. UNC built a false rep for "developing" pros when Dean Smith had an entire region's best athletes on lock for more than three decades. Now that all other schools have a legit shot at that talent pool, shit looks bad for them. Tawn and Vince the last of the prototypical UNC 6-6 to 6-9 athletic b-ball IQ having bammas. Now, they gets NO MORE ALL-STARS, as I've been predicting for years...

Marv Williams...not developed
Brandan Wright...not developed
Ed Davis...Ugh

I'll be real on May...he was gonna be good.

Forte flopped
Ellington some shit

Felton was a letdown

Let's talk. Anyone?
1915481, lol
Posted by Cenario, Thu Feb-09-12 07:31 PM
1915484, Harrison Barnes
Posted by bshelly, Thu Feb-09-12 07:33 PM

BWAHAHAHA Just kidding. How come you're not talking about how scurred he looked in the last two minutes?
1915490, RE: Who will be UNC's next all-star? This is mad-making thread.
Posted by SirLau, Thu Feb-09-12 07:41 PM
Ty Lawson will make an all star team. Pretty convenient that you left him out, considering he was garnering a lot of support for all star support this season.
1915495, When Lawson making an all-star team?
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 07:45 PM
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Feb-09-12 08:03 PM
1915606, The West is awfully fully of guards.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:38 PM
Outside of the obvious starters in CP3 and Kobe, you've got Nash for at least one more year, Parker for a couple, Westbrook for many, Lowry pushing in, Rubio to take Nash's spot, Monta and Stephen, healthy Eric Gordon, growing James Harden...

... I mean, Lawson would have to be CLEARLY better than the rest in a post-Nash-and-Tony era to sneak in. And I don't think Wessy, Lowry, Rubio, GS guards, and Gordon let that happen easily. Plus, if Deron ditches the Nets and heads back to the West...
1916421, RE: The West is awfully fully of guards.
Posted by SirLau, Sat Feb-11-12 12:39 AM
>Outside of the obvious starters in CP3 and Kobe, you've got
>Nash for at least one more year, Parker for a couple,
>Westbrook for many, Lowry pushing in, Rubio to take Nash's
>spot, Monta and Stephen, healthy Eric Gordon, growing James
>... I mean, Lawson would have to be CLEARLY better than the
>rest in a post-Nash-and-Tony era to sneak in. And I don't
>think Wessy, Lowry, Rubio, GS guards, and Gordon let that
>happen easily. Plus, if Deron ditches the Nets and heads back
>to the West...

With all that said, Lawson was still on the cusp of making it this year. He'll get in...
1915492, May was one of the biggest letdowns. Smh. I like Macadoo.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Feb-09-12 07:43 PM
1915496, Mac a tweener...not impressed.
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 07:46 PM
1915500, Mac is garbage
Posted by The Mac, Thu Feb-09-12 07:52 PM
He ain't worth shit in the NBA. Good athlete though
1915505, pretty easy to see Ellington would be a bench rider.
Posted by will_5198, Thu Feb-09-12 08:08 PM
same for McCants.
1915604, has anyone seen that McCants movie? I keep wishing that pops up on cable
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Feb-09-12 10:36 PM
one of these days.
1915525, you need to be worried about the lack of recruits duke is getting
Posted by s_dot_miles, Thu Feb-09-12 08:55 PM
yall dont have shit coming the next 2 years.

you so worried about our players becoming nba all stars and you should be worried about your players just making it to the nba.

but you dont wanna talk about real shit.

1915568, http://puddlesgathering.com/blog/ani-wonder_deflection.gif
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:15 PM
1915574, LMAO...dat pic and dat avy...good shit
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 10:18 PM
1915585, like i said, yall pussies dont wanna talk about it
Posted by s_dot_miles, Thu Feb-09-12 10:24 PM
1915595, I'll say this, on the record, to be clear:
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:29 PM
1. Since we keep winning, we'll keep getting recruits. Even if we miss next year, we bring nearly our whole roster back, win games against next year, and hit with the next one. When was the last time in the last decade that K failed to get and develop a single money recruit? Think about it and get back to me.

2. We will continue, as long as we have K and you have Roy, to have more all-stars than you guys.

3. Kyrie Irving will be a better pro than any UNC pro in the Roy era. Shit, Deng probably will be too.

4. No matter how many heralded recruits you get and how many silly white boys we start, we will beat you at least once a year and will continue to do so. How does that make you feel?
1915601, so basically you are speculating and have no facts
Posted by s_dot_miles, Thu Feb-09-12 10:34 PM
fact: you have no major recruits coming in the next two years.

fact: we have 6 top 100 players coming in the next 2 years.

fact: ol roy is abusing k on the recruiting trail.

fact: going forward, none of the top kids want to come to duke.
1915608, You stated one fact.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:41 PM
>fact: we have 6 top 100 players coming in the next 2 years.

Outside of that, you also are speculating. Until the rest of next year's recruits sign, you don't know what the fuck is gonna happen. You're acting mighty brand new thinking that K will miss on every major recruit he's aiming for in the next two years.

You're just still angry and scared from yesterday. That's why you think no HS player wants to play for the winningest coach in NCAA basketball history. I understand.
1915612, who are the "money" recruits you have coming in? i'll wait.
Posted by s_dot_miles, Thu Feb-09-12 10:44 PM
1915617, So will we.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:47 PM
1915618, good luck with that.
Posted by s_dot_miles, Thu Feb-09-12 10:48 PM
1915616, imma just say you wrong and KIM
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 10:47 PM
1915539, man...I cant wait to see duke after K hangs it up
Posted by auragin_boi, Thu Feb-09-12 09:17 PM
When y'all lose y'all legend coach like we lost dean...gonna be real interesting to see who that replacement is and the talent he draws....mmmhmmm
1915546, Them niggaz plotting on his seat http://slspublish.bits.baseview.com/temporaryimages/bp101563.jpg
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Feb-09-12 09:29 PM

That shit has to be uncomfortable as hell.
1915555, Nigga, let me know when that happens...now let's talk no UNC all-stars...
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 09:55 PM
Yet again
1915669, Funny how Lu ain't make one until d-rose showed up.
Posted by auragin_boi, Fri Feb-10-12 12:46 AM

That good 'version lol
1915699, it would be a good diversion if I wasn't so focused...
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Feb-10-12 07:37 AM
and i'd like to thank rose for making the national media aware of how good Lu is, because they shoulda noticed that shit during the baby bulls era.
1915566, You're gonna be waiting a while.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:14 PM
That dude is gonna coach til his hip explodes.

He wants to put his win number at a "fuck you" level. That's how competitive K is.
1915580, damn, fam, this reply is an L. shoulda just let the post drop.
Posted by bshelly, Thu Feb-09-12 10:22 PM
1915668, How?
Posted by auragin_boi, Fri Feb-10-12 12:45 AM
He said dean got us our all stars which is true...now how many they get without K?

I got no argument against our recent track record..facts is facts (Sean may's fat ass) but u know what else is facts...

UNC got two titles in the last 6 yrs...

*shoulder shrug*
1917004, Shut it down
Posted by Lil Rabies, Sun Feb-12-12 01:04 AM
I smell another one...
1915575, hmm...so Felton/Lawson/Hansbrough/Ellington/Wright
Posted by darius heyward bey, Thu Feb-09-12 10:19 PM
vs Reddick/Deng/Battier/Henderson/Boozer

UNC all day...yall don't even win that playing 5 on 5 to 21, 2s and 3s

well MAYBE, if Hansbrough tipped in a basket for you near the end.

FOH though

1915598, Very convenient how you left Kyrie out, huh?
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:31 PM
1915603, true, I did forget about him, keen I.D.
Posted by darius heyward bey, Thu Feb-09-12 10:35 PM
also didn't mention Vince nor Jamison, but Kyrie could be cool.

throw in McRoberts to, and Dunleavy, and all the other 9th men of the year on their teams.

FOH though. Heels still run shit.

1915607, You SERIOUSLY think that UNC roster wins?
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:40 PM
Felton/Lawson/Ellington/Wright/Tyler vs. Kyrie/Hendo/Battier/Deng/Booz? You think that's an obvious UNC win? Really?
1915609, don't forget about dildo
Posted by bshelly, Thu Feb-09-12 10:42 PM
1915610, I mean, there's no point.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:43 PM
Shelden Williams is better than Wright or Ellington at this point, but dude wants to believe what he wants to believe.
1915615, you dont watch games so youre not qualified to discuss this
Posted by s_dot_miles, Thu Feb-09-12 10:47 PM
1915619, I can smell your anger from here.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:48 PM
Go on and tell us about how valuable Brandan Wright and Wayne Ellington are in the NBA. I'll sit back re-watching the game from last night and re-reading the press releases about Luol Deng being an all-star.
1915627, again, you dont watch games.
Posted by s_dot_miles, Thu Feb-09-12 10:54 PM
and the whole "you mad" thing is is so cute because it tells me you have nothing of value to say.

you know nothing about the nba other than box scores. and hell, im sure ive seen more duke games this year than you have. i know your team better than you do.

stick to writing terrible comedy routines and shitty screenplays that no one will ever read.
1915633, No, I'm saying you're mad because you are.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 11:03 PM
I've watched all but two Duke games this year. I've loved all but three of them (couldn't watch the Miami game).

I also have been to multiple games at Cameron, which my schedule and geography allows for. It's great fun.

My team just beat yours at your house in dramatic fashion.

I just watched Luol Deng, who I played video games with on the regular freshman year, make the All-Star team.

I'm moving to Los Angeles in the fall with a gorgeous girl to try to pursue my dream with her support.

So if you wanna try and insult me personally or make shit up about me... cool, dude. Do whatever brings you happiness, and I wish you the best. I hope you can find a way to be as happy about your life as I am about mine right now.
1915634, powerful real-life sonning
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 11:05 PM
1915635, your keyboard is literally wet with tears
Posted by s_dot_miles, Thu Feb-09-12 11:08 PM
and you'll be gay for pay in less than 3 months when you get to la.

FOH with your tuesdays with luol and thanks for the unsolicited life update that no one gives a fuck about.
1915636, Peace.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 11:09 PM
1915658, Peace queen.
Posted by s_dot_miles, Fri Feb-10-12 12:18 AM
1915715, yea u can tell u hit a nerve with em wit that reply
Posted by southphillyman, Fri Feb-10-12 08:39 AM
1915665, LMAO @ Sheldon, k
Posted by darius heyward bey, Fri Feb-10-12 12:37 AM
you're no longer relevant.

1915716, cmon, Frank... THWOMP of ALL Dukies?!!
Posted by Dr Claw, Fri Feb-10-12 08:39 AM
at least say Chris Durag.
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 10:44 PM
1915621, Dude said Wayne Ellington and Brandan Wright.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:51 PM
And meant it.

I'm fucking done, man. The logical UNC posters like AB and Servo must be so fucking embarrassed when shit like this happens.
1915628, some UNC fans still haven't adjusted to the fact they don't produce
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 10:55 PM
great pros anymore. i'm serious. they give dudes like marv williams a pass because he went to UNC and starts in the NBA. laettner played like 12 years as a stater and made a fuckin AS game and he's a "bust"....it's really disgusting.
1915667, yeah, I did, in the context of the 5 on 5 match up.
Posted by darius heyward bey, Fri Feb-10-12 12:41 AM
Ellington has the same impact Reddick does as of now.

I'd take the 5 I listed over the Kyrie led squad I posted, not even close.

some guys like you look at Wright, and say "But does he shoot 3s?!?"

Wright teamed with Hansbrough matches up well with those guards to take on the scenario I posed.

TRUTHFULLY, for stars, there's Kyrie and Lawson, and it ends there.

I fux with Battier and Deng, so it's not hate. But they lose that 5 on 5.

1915587, black men and white men, persians and asians can join together...
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Feb-09-12 10:24 PM

and sing dat old negro spiritual...


Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Feb-09-12 10:29 PM
1915702, shit was like a Benetton commercial
Posted by guru0509, Fri Feb-10-12 07:53 AM
1915941, Ahhh the good ol days of East Campus
Posted by JungleSouljah, Fri Feb-10-12 02:47 PM
That's a beautiful thing. I'm thinking that game should fix some of the attendance problems. They just have to promote Rivers at the Miracle Man.
1915600, that was cool
Posted by bshelly, Thu Feb-09-12 10:33 PM
1915651, When will Duke produce a Hall of Famer?
Posted by Expertise, Fri Feb-10-12 12:04 AM
Answer: Never.
1915654, RE: When will Duke produce a Hall of Famer?
Posted by murph71, Fri Feb-10-12 12:12 AM
>Answer: Never.

I think it will be Grant Hill....He will probably get in with a combination of college/pro impact...

Other than that? Nobody too soon....
1915695, Already has.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Feb-10-12 06:52 AM
1915709, Who will be Duke's next player to get an NBA ring?
Posted by b2thej, Fri Feb-10-12 08:11 AM
Shit I think its only two muhpuckas from Duke to ever win a NBA ring since ya'll say chips matter. So basically if a Duke player is on your roster you aint winning a chip!
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri Feb-10-12 08:59 AM
1915773, *facepalm*
Posted by Benedict the Moor, Fri Feb-10-12 10:39 AM
1915728, When they on a great team? That's an easy answer. You mad?
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Feb-10-12 09:10 AM
1915734, lulz nope, you mad?
Posted by b2thej, Fri Feb-10-12 09:25 AM
1915736, Nah...I'm not. I been partying since Wednesday
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Feb-10-12 09:31 AM
1915722, Current Georgia Tech pros shit on UNC pros
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri Feb-10-12 08:56 AM
Truuuuu storayyy(c) country dude from RW sea 3
1915731, country jon Brennan, young?!?!??! Hahahahahahahahaha
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Feb-10-12 09:12 AM
1915774, Yepp lol
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri Feb-10-12 10:41 AM
Used to have David unfunny funny man
Ass mad daily for mostly nothing

I think ol Dave was scared he would smash
Tammy on the low
1915732, sdot has developed a bleeding ulcer since Wednesday.
Posted by 85SOUTH, Fri Feb-10-12 09:21 AM
When Duke vs. fuNC isn't so clear cut, dudes get real argumentative.
1915791, Just so we're clear...Christian Laettner is a Hall of Famer
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Feb-10-12 11:13 AM


1916420, RE: Just so we're clear...Christian Laettner is a Hall of Famer
Posted by SirLau, Sat Feb-11-12 12:36 AM
>it COUNT!

If he's alive and don't do an acceptance speech, it don't count.
1916766, aside from that article: Pat Ewing isn't in the collegiate Hall of Fame?
Posted by Bombastic, Sat Feb-11-12 05:13 PM
1917077, man chris mullin is a dork
Posted by bshelly, Sun Feb-12-12 12:27 PM
1926984, see y'all in 2020 or some such
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Feb-28-12 07:55 PM
1926986, Yup.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Feb-28-12 08:00 PM
1926990, dogg, i LOVE making these dudes mad about their NBA debacle
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Feb-28-12 08:07 PM
they bragged about it FOR YEARS...and now they don't get all the super athletic swing men. the talent is spread out.

it hurts them that felton chunky ass is SORRY when they were predicting all-star status comparing him favorably with deron and paul...

"he just outplayed deron for the title...you mad??? ahahahahaha" <----it happened and he sorry now. GOOD! let's talk.

marv williams was gonna be better than deng? oh, for real? let's talk.

now boozer a scrub? i bet if hansbrough was dropping 16 and 8 on ANY team, good or bad, these dudes would be so cysed.
2141147, see y'all in 2025
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Mar-04-13 05:49 PM
2141164, duke will be out in the 2nd round this year....
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Mon Mar-04-13 07:43 PM
no question....
2141183, Care to place money on this?
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Mar-04-13 08:24 PM