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Topic subjectChris Broussard is a Scene F*cker
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1832987, Chris Broussard is a Scene F*cker
Posted by deejboram, Wed Oct-19-11 09:20 AM
I have to stop having SportsCenter on for background noise as I'm getting ready in the mornings.

First, his voice is annoying as hell.
To look at him is even worse.
But dude just speaks on the NBA like he always got the inside scoop (especially during The Decision era) or he's the utmost authority on NBA matters.

He happier than a faggot in a room fulla boys since he's covering this CBA/Lockout thing.

I just don't know man.
ESPN gotta do better when choosing these announcers.

A new one that i DO like is:
Desmond Howard (he just cool as shit and KNOW his shit)

I never liked Stewart Scott's coonig ass neither
1832988, Yeah, he's guessing 90% of the time.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Oct-19-11 09:26 AM

Problem is that he's not a real reporter

He's a nigga with an opinion, which is cool,
and I don't dislike most of his opinions

But he's not no Adam Schefter type

David Aldridge was better at that


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O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
1832991, The Lebron Saga really his free fall for me.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed Oct-19-11 09:29 AM
He was on tv every morning...afternoon...evening. Every show.

Just guessing.

No insider info.

"I talked to...."

It got to the point where I was just like, "Nigga, do you know anybody?"
1833005, "I think Lebron wants to go to the Bulls."
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Oct-19-11 09:45 AM

I mean, he used to champion this and had
literally no evidence



Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
1833010, Isn't that what put him on? I had never heard of him before then...
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Oct-19-11 09:54 AM
sitting up there reporting Maverick Carter's tweets, lol
1861535, Actually, that was the only time he really had any info.
Posted by LiShang52, Thu Dec-01-11 12:11 PM
He is close with LeBron and Maverick. If I'm not mistaken, Broussard worked for both the Cleveland and Akron newspapers while LeBron was coming up. It's probably the only reason he is employed by ESPN. If he reported bad information on ESPN, it was because it was fed to him by Maverick. I definitely don't think he was guessing though.
2207466, he gets spoon fed stuff from player publicists, no question
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Jul-08-13 12:07 AM
that is a big thing in the nba, more so than in other sports.
1833067, David Aldridge is King.
Posted by Duval Spit, Wed Oct-19-11 11:18 AM
2207041, YIKES!
Posted by Ryan M, Sat Jul-06-13 07:05 PM

2207044, THIS NIGGA O.E. DONE CHANGED HIS MIND?????????????
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jul-06-13 07:10 PM

here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2207047, Well, caught in a lie as usual. So I expect him to change the subject...NOW.
Posted by Ryan M, Sat Jul-06-13 07:14 PM
2207179, Yeah...he improved in 2013 imo...his near-firing helped.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Jul-07-13 09:11 AM

His 2013 reporting was fine.

He said Houston several weeks ago.

It ended up Houston.
2207220, Be honest. You forgot all about this.
Posted by Ryan M, Sun Jul-07-13 11:06 AM

>His 2013 reporting was fine.
>He said Houston several weeks ago.
>It ended up Houston.
2207258, lol.
Posted by bshelly, Sun Jul-07-13 12:26 PM
2207416, Broussard only reported on Howard on switches
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jul-07-13 08:26 PM
2207278, Oh my
Posted by ErnestLee, Sun Jul-07-13 01:04 PM
That is powerful uppage.
2350325, Still funny.
Posted by Ryan M, Sun Jul-13-14 07:04 PM
1832996, he's the basketball Florio
Posted by Tiger Woods, Wed Oct-19-11 09:35 AM
hugely and prematurely presumptuous at all times, not really affiliated with anyone of credibility, and still always on TV
1833035, he's the Sam Smith of ESPN (for you Chicago folks)
Posted by temps2020, Wed Oct-19-11 10:30 AM
just throwing shit out there and getting paid to make up scenarios and pretend he has inside sources. Smith used to put together mock trades that made absolutely no sense and were beyond fantasy land. Now, somehow, Smith is employed as a writer for the bulls.com, smh.

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1833135, Oh man, I remember when he had KG being traded to the Bulls
Posted by Marauder21, Wed Oct-19-11 12:52 PM
like six years in a row
1833164, didn't Smith write 'The Jordan Rules'?
Posted by DonKnutts, Wed Oct-19-11 01:30 PM
Give Sam Smith some more credit
1833076, i cant stand him.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Oct-19-11 11:35 AM
i was glad when he got called out for having his face fixed squarely in lebrons ass.
1833085, Skip popped shit and apologized tho
Posted by daskap, Wed Oct-19-11 11:47 AM
I wish he would've stood by it, Broussard probably still hates him anyway, lol
1833137, yeah they gotta maintain appearances
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Oct-19-11 12:55 PM
but i always got a vibe that they aint like each other.
1833123, Who??...
Posted by Beezo, Wed Oct-19-11 12:31 PM
1833170, f real dude is corny as fuck, bucher too but at least he has ...
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Oct-19-11 01:35 PM
a scoop here and there, diligent in his gig, just ugly and boring as fuck.

broussard stays on that dorito head status IMO. dude is like a new age peter vescey only even more annoying.
1833179, his voice is the fucking worst.
Posted by smooth va, Wed Oct-19-11 01:47 PM
you used to have to have a voice to be on TV.
now they just put any sports writer on.
1833527, He's at it again.
Posted by deejboram, Thu Oct-20-11 07:41 AM
Braggin bout eatin some old white man's leftover chinese food because he was locked in the negotiating chamber for soooo long

i gotta start watchin Fox News
1861447, Broussard needs not to comment on D12/CP3 trade prospects
Posted by deejboram, Thu Dec-01-11 10:06 AM
Dude just be alllll OVER the place with his speculations
i've heard better analysis/hypothesis on OKS
1861521, He's gonnna "narrow it down" to every major market team
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Dec-01-11 11:41 AM
1861532, Yea there are a ton of people that shouldn't be there
Posted by Anonymous, Thu Dec-01-11 12:05 PM
He's one of them.

I NEVER liked Stuart Scott either. every since I was young. I can't stand people that try to throw in slang at every chance they get even if it doesn't fit and that's what he's built his career on.

I'm not sure if people actually like him or if he's such a joke we're all laughing at him.

heard through many sources that he's a jack ass too.

Skip may be the worst one on the entire network. I don't know if I rather watch him or the Sean Hannity show.

How much of an agenda can you have? and then he plays it off like he actually believes what he's saying and the sad thing is that he just may be that delusional.

his height doesn't help either because it just makes you want to beat his ass even more.

Colin is a complete idiot as well and I'm just waiting for a story to break of him doing some disguisting Penn State ish because he just has that look to him.

yea, there aren't too many quality personalities on the network.
1861543, RE: Yea there are a ton of people that shouldn't be there
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Thu Dec-01-11 12:30 PM
Stuart Scott is the person who most needs to just stop:

1862188, yeah stuart scott is SUCH a fucking coon!!!
Posted by deejboram, Fri Dec-02-11 10:10 AM
>I NEVER liked Stuart Scott either. every since I was young.
>I can't stand people that try to throw in slang at every
>chance they get even if it doesn't fit and that's what he's

Stuart Scott sounds like the Black guy that was raised in Malibu and couldnt scrap but all the white guys was scared of him and thought he could fight just cuz he was black.
Then, when he get to college he try to "blacken it up" at parties and shit, and try and use "slang" that he heard on MTV or some Sean Price rap

like, dude sounds like David Letterman or Bill O'Reilly when he be tryna use slang.
now he got all them other ofays on ESPN trying use that shit
it's downright sickening.

as soon as this 19inch tube tv blow out i'm never gettin another one
matter fact, this one aint even mine
i "borrowed" it from my sister!
1862196, The latter
Posted by Ishwip, Fri Dec-02-11 10:26 AM
>I'm not sure if people actually like him or if he's such a
>joke we're all laughing at him.

I don't like the beat anymore because its just a loop. ALC didn't FLIP IT ENOUGH!

Flip it enough? Flip these. Flip off. Go flip some f*cking burgers.(c)Kno

Allied State of the National Electric Beat Treaty Organization (NEBTO)
1861542, ESPN is a joke
Posted by Wonderl33t, Thu Dec-01-11 12:26 PM
I can't remember the last time I tuned in for anything besides a game or CFB gameday

<--- SO HOOD
1861605, Yup, I only watch it for the games
Posted by The Real, Thu Dec-01-11 02:10 PM
I'm hoping this new NBC 24 hour sports network is solid.


XBox 360 Live gamertag - Keystonejenks
1861558, he reminds me of that reporter character Chappelle use to do in whiteface
Posted by southphillyman, Thu Dec-01-11 01:05 PM
1861572, bwahaahaaaa
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Dec-01-11 01:25 PM
1864986, hilarious & trueasfook
Posted by natlawdp, Tue Dec-06-11 10:48 AM
2347968, lollerskates
Posted by LegacyNS, Wed Jul-09-14 12:39 PM

<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
1861569, Bucher's just as bad. I can't remember the last time he was right about
Posted by El_essence, Thu Dec-01-11 01:20 PM
anything. I feel like people tell him the exact opposite shit on purpose lol
1861576, the best was listening to him react like a child throwing a tantrum
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Dec-01-11 01:33 PM
when his 'DRose>>>>>>Lebron' agenda got incinerated in the conference finals.

At one point I thought he was gonna cry in the middle of those plea-cops, I think he might have even hung up on Cowherd or Simmons while they were asking him questions because he felt like they were clowning.
1861587, sadly...bucher's D Rose genda is a proxy for Bean v Bron nm
Posted by El_essence, Thu Dec-01-11 01:52 PM
1861591, RE: the best was listening to him react like a child throwing a tantrum
Posted by murph71, Thu Dec-01-11 01:59 PM

>At one point I thought he was gonna cry in the middle of those
>plea-cops, I think he might have even hung up on Cowherd or
>Simmons while they were asking him questions because he felt
>like they were clowning.

Or maybe he had the good sense to understood (like everyone who was watching) that it was really 2 (Bron and Wade) on 1 (Rose)...
1861630, please, Derrick Rose is not in Lebron's class & it showed
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Dec-01-11 02:52 PM
>>At one point I thought he was gonna cry in the middle of
>>plea-cops, I think he might have even hung up on Cowherd or
>>Simmons while they were asking him questions because he felt
>>like they were clowning.
>Or maybe he had the good sense to understood (like everyone
>who was watching) that it was really 2 (Bron and Wade) on 1
1861793, RE: please, Derrick Rose is not in Lebron's class & it showed
Posted by murph71, Thu Dec-01-11 05:45 PM

I'd pick Lebron over Rose because he's damn near 6'10 and handles the rock like a PG...He's a freak...

Other than that, it helped immensely that that Rose was basically alone on an island...
1861822, RE: please, Derrick Rose is not in Lebron's class & it showed
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Dec-01-11 06:45 PM
>I'd pick Lebron over Rose because he's damn near 6'10 and
>handles the rock like a PG...He's a freak...
So he's better, cool, tell Booger to stop crying & come to terms with that as well.

>Other than that, it helped immensely that that Rose was
>basically alone on an island...

Lebron knows the feeling.
1862189, RE: please, Derrick Rose is not in Lebron's class & it showed
Posted by murph71, Fri Dec-02-11 10:13 AM
>>I'd pick Lebron over Rose because he's damn near 6'10 and
>>handles the rock like a PG...He's a freak...
>So he's better, cool, tell Booger to stop crying & come to
>terms with that as well.
>>Other than that, it helped immensely that that Rose was
>>basically alone on an island...
>Lebron knows the feeling.

In past years? Yep...With the Heat? Hell naw....lol
1865002, Well his MVP says otherwise
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Tue Dec-06-11 11:06 AM

1871017, no it doesn't
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Dec-12-11 02:50 PM
2207254, numerous players shittier than lebron have won MVPs
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jul-07-13 12:09 PM
lol @ murph above straggling around for a point. rose is an excellent player. lebron is lebron. it's been that way since rose was in high school and it'll never change.
1861592, RE: Chris Broussard is a Scene F*cker
Posted by all stah, Thu Dec-01-11 01:59 PM
black man doing his job...and niggas hating

but you will coon for tim liegler or some white bol

fucked up...fucked up ,man
1861597, RE: Chris Broussard is a Scene F*cker
Posted by murph71, Thu Dec-01-11 02:01 PM
>black man doing his job...and niggas hating
>but you will coon for tim liegler or some white bol
>fucked up...fucked up ,man

1862210, RE: Chris Broussard is a Scene F*cker
Posted by deejboram, Fri Dec-02-11 10:35 AM
>black man doing his job...and niggas hating
>but you will coon for tim liegler or some white bol
>fucked up...fucked up ,man

EYE coon?
chile please.
he need to do his job with some fuckin TEGRITY!
1862241, RE: Chris Broussard is a Scene F*cker
Posted by murph71, Fri Dec-02-11 10:59 AM
>>black man doing his job...and niggas hating
>>but you will coon for tim liegler or some white bol
>>fucked up...fucked up ,man
>EYE coon?
>chile please.
>he need to do his job with some fuckin TEGRITY!

Are you talking about Broussard? How has he ever not shown integrity? We can hate on his "trade" rumor misses all day...But integrity? Come on dog...U going off the farm with that one...
1864997, Basically
Posted by RexLongfellow, Tue Dec-06-11 11:02 AM
I'm not even a critic of Broussard, but he's not above criticism
As for the coonin' shit...mad cats just acknowledged David Aldridge for their reporting

And Legler is good at his job...so is Greg Anthony and Gus Johnson
1861596, All the basketball "insiders" they got are straight trash
Posted by icecold21, Thu Dec-01-11 02:00 PM
I really don't know how they can't do better. Maybe they just don't care? They should fire all of them and just let Jalen do all the talking.

It's interesting how ESPN has the worst in everything when it some to the NBA. TNT and NBA TV are MILES better than anything ESPN has. It's really annoying as hell.
1861626, wtf took college football so long to come around to a black commentator?
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Dec-01-11 02:48 PM

>I just don't know man.
>ESPN gotta do better when choosing these announcers.
>A new one that i DO like is:
>Desmond Howard (he just cool as shit and KNOW his shit)

NFL pre-game had black faces on their shows for years now

you figure ESPN has test audiences for this kind of stuff, what took the audience for college football so long to come around?
1861639, Their NBA insiders are absolutely terrible
Posted by LA2Philly, Thu Dec-01-11 03:04 PM
If they ever report or report on a rumor, it basically confirms that it won't happen.
1861788, His voice and inflections are beyond terrible to listen to
Posted by Organ, Thu Dec-01-11 05:38 PM
Just annoys the shit out of me
Not close as bad, but he is in that annoying category with Andy Reid as far as people I can't stand to listen to talk
1862181, Stephen A Jackson >>>>> Kristy Broussard
Posted by deejboram, Fri Dec-02-11 10:02 AM
I just heard him talkin bout the Eagles bein "soff"
He's on point and sounds like he know what he talkin bout
then he transitioned to talkin bout CP3 and he sound authorative on that too
1862418, OKSPN would be SOOOO much more interesting.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Dec-02-11 01:52 PM
And possibly more accurate by dumb happenstance.

The Money Man and Write as the anchors.
Poetx on NFL.
Will on NCAA football.
Walleye on MLB.
Vex on boxing.

O_E, Basa, SPM, and Warren doing PTI.

It'd be awesome.
1862581, can Quest get this poppin?
Posted by deejboram, Fri Dec-02-11 10:12 PM
don't he got connex at HBO or somethin?
shit, at least get us a Sirius radio show!
1864926, Broussard said Buss will trade Blake for CP3 or D. Howard
Posted by deejboram, Tue Dec-06-11 08:49 AM
water is wet and sugar is sweet

1865114, I was actually thinking of this post last night listening to ESPN
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Dec-06-11 01:13 PM
try to make a story out of Broussard's 'report'.

The Lakers would be interested in Dwight Howard & Chris Paul?

Oh, word?

And they'd give up anyone besides Kobe to do it?

No shit?

Man, this is some fascinating news, tell me more Chris Broussard!

I couldn't have come up with that kinda information walking around El Segundo on a lunchbreak.....or even laying in bed if I'd called in sick.
1864966, What exactly IS a "Scene F*cker"?
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Dec-06-11 10:17 AM
1865005, Someone That Consistently Offers "Record Scratch" Moments
Posted by RexLongfellow, Tue Dec-06-11 11:07 AM
You know someone that everything can be chill, moving along and they do or say something and you can actually hear God scratch the record and you go WTF? And the Gillie Face appears

Sc*ene F*ckers
1865098, I do not know why guys waste time on ESPN for any insider stuff
Posted by Ink_Spot, Tue Dec-06-11 12:42 PM
The only relevant guy they have is Schefter...whom they got from NFL Network. ESPN is just for opinionated sports shows that one can't take seriously. I basically avoid everything ESPN lately, unless I have to watch Monday Night Football, early morning soccer on saturdays, soccer on monday afternoons, or the 30 for 30's. For anything serious, I invest in the NFL Network (best pre and post game shows in the business), NBA TV, MLB Network, Golf Channel, Tennis Channel, FSC, and Universal HD....and TNT for Charles and co.

Just invest in a sports package, and I swear it is more than worth avoiding the aggravation of ESPN.
1871038, I have an ESPN insider account and I agree
Posted by guru0509, Mon Dec-12-11 03:00 PM
>The only relevant guy they have is Schefter...whom they got
>from NFL Network. ESPN is just for opinionated sports shows
>that one can't take seriously. I basically avoid everything
>ESPN lately, unless I have to watch Monday Night Football,
>early morning soccer on saturdays, soccer on monday
>afternoons, or the 30 for 30's. For anything serious, I invest
>in the NFL Network (best pre and post game shows in the
>business), NBA TV, MLB Network, Golf Channel, Tennis Channel,
>FSC, and Universal HD....and TNT for Charles and co.
>Just invest in a sports package, and I swear it is more than
>worth avoiding the aggravation of ESPN.

but I got suckered into buying a magazine subscription when I was at the barbershop to support some kid's track team...

so here I am with a 2 year subscription...lol
1870771, wait, Broussard didn't predict Odom to the Mavs?
Posted by deejboram, Mon Dec-12-11 12:31 PM
His sources dropped the ball.
1871018, bro your avy wtf?
Posted by Cenario, Mon Dec-12-11 02:52 PM
2003580, we dont need 2 fkng chris broussard posts..
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue Jul-03-12 11:02 AM
fk him
2004012, http://www.sbnation.com/nba/2012/7/3/3136317/nba-free-agency-chris-broussard-twitter-deron-williams-eric-gordon
Posted by Ownzdacourt, Tue Jul-03-12 10:48 PM
2004013, LOL
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Tue Jul-03-12 10:54 PM
2004016, how can we get him fired, or at least severely reduced?
Posted by natural, Tue Jul-03-12 11:00 PM
2004035, ESPN probably directs him to do all that
Posted by Kungset, Tue Jul-03-12 11:25 PM
2004028, Came here to post that. All I can say is "Mempis"
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Jul-03-12 11:16 PM
2004037, LOL
Posted by Kungset, Tue Jul-03-12 11:28 PM
2004038, damb
Posted by DolphinTeef, Tue Jul-03-12 11:37 PM
2004049, He also pronounces chasm as CHAH-sim
Posted by Master Thespian, Wed Jul-04-12 01:12 AM
2004074, hahahaha...
Posted by LegacyNS, Wed Jul-04-12 08:25 AM
2004787, Broussard goes on vacation, tweets to haters.
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu Jul-05-12 03:25 PM

Not sure why Broussard scheduled a vacation during the busiest week of free agency but he clearly needs a break.
2004792, Clearly it wasn't scheduled. ESPN probably told him to bounce.
Posted by smooth va, Thu Jul-05-12 03:28 PM
2004802, I don't think he deserves
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Jul-05-12 03:44 PM
as much 'hate' or derision as he gets, but I can see why folks find him annoying. However, it rubs me the wrong way to see a grown man talk back to his 'haters' on an online medium, especially someone that is in the public eye. At least I'm assuming dude is 35 and up in terms of age.
2004804, Why would that rub you the wrong way?
Posted by Ceej, Thu Jul-05-12 03:45 PM
2004805, Mature thing to do
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Jul-05-12 03:48 PM
Is to just ignore said 'haters' and not fuel them by giving them any more attention. Like I'm sure he got 50+ negative responses to vacation tweets.
2004809, Still not sure why YOU care
Posted by Ceej, Thu Jul-05-12 03:50 PM
2004810, Why do you care about me caring?
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Jul-05-12 03:51 PM
2004820, He has an annoying accent for one thing
Posted by Lach, Thu Jul-05-12 03:59 PM
That alone annoys me before he even starts with his bullshit stories. I'm like someone please get him off the air.
2347953, still hilarious
Posted by Kungset, Wed Jul-09-14 12:06 PM
2207022, Did I mention his "sources" are consistently WRONG
Posted by deejboram, Sat Jul-06-13 06:20 PM
>But dude just speaks on the NBA like he always got the inside
>scoop (especially during The Decision era) or he's the utmost
>authority on NBA matters.
2207025, Is he really that different than all these other hatchet jobs spreading...
Posted by ThaTruth, Sat Jul-06-13 06:33 PM
bum scoop on twitter keeping y'all scrambling like roaches?

Broussard just currently has a bigger platform than most.

2207032, Woj and Amick's scoops actually happen
Posted by SoulHonky, Sat Jul-06-13 06:46 PM
Those guys might screw up one or two a year but they're VERY solid.

Broussard is one Sam Smith level with his shit now. He's been a step slow for years (possibly never worse than the Deron Williams/Eric Gordon miscues) and now he's just not really even in the ballgame.
2207039, lol, people are actually propping up Wojo now? Dude was an OKS...
Posted by ThaTruth, Sat Jul-06-13 07:00 PM
2207045, woj's pieces suck, they're hacky and agenda driven
Posted by themaddfapper, Sat Jul-06-13 07:11 PM
his scoops tend to be on point, because he's had enough go right where whomever is leaking things to him knows "once I give it to woj, it better be right. he's an enemy I don't want."

he's been your boy Kob's mouthpiece for a the last 18 mos or so.

And Amick said in relation to dwight yesterday, he had it, his people (fegan) shat on dwight to attempt to refute the story. he chose houston, got on the plane and still chose houston. once it was done it was done. (his decision, that is)

broussard is only as good as the agenda placed on his lips. and people use him because ESPN is so big, there's no accountability. And Broussard is a personality, not a journalist.
2207048, Scoops are his thing. People hate his columns..
Posted by Ryan M, Sat Jul-06-13 07:16 PM
But his tweets/breaking stories are on point.
2207379, RE: Scoops are his thing. People hate his columns..
Posted by murph71, Sun Jul-07-13 07:07 PM
>But his tweets/breaking stories are on point.

2207058, Ditto to fapper and Ryan M
Posted by SoulHonky, Sat Jul-06-13 08:04 PM
This is Woj's time. He's been a beast at scooping the latest signings and what not. Once the season starts, he becomes a hatchet man and a kind of hacky one at that.

Broussard offers little besides fake rumors to get ESPN hits, which is all they care about.
2207180, Woj is a hateful piece of scum...only to YT OKPs is he >>> anyone
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Jul-07-13 09:12 AM

Like, seriously


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2207051, Hard to laugh this hard reading a two year old post....
Posted by blueeclipse, Sat Jul-06-13 07:29 PM
This dude is a walking, talking punchline/punching bag. I almost feel sorry for him. Who the fuck are his sources? The psychic network? He's always wrong and he can't even play it off right. Steven A. doesn't know shit but he will drown you out with his mouth to the point you forget he doesn't. Then he will try and hop in a Deloreon and get a scoop and report it.
2207052, He makes things up and steals from Woj. The end.
Posted by Ryan M, Sat Jul-06-13 07:32 PM
2207575, Yup. Dude tweets the SAME thing right after Woj does.
Posted by haj20, Mon Jul-08-13 10:41 AM
And he has the balls to say "Sources:"
c'mon man.
2207065, I think they are agents
Posted by SoulHonky, Sat Jul-06-13 08:46 PM
And most of the scoops are misinformation to drive up the price on the team they are actually negotiating with.

2207376, Worst sports announcers on TV
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jul-07-13 07:02 PM
Worst: Chris Broussard
Next Worst: Magic - he's just bland and boring
Next Next Worst: Jalen - he sounds like a robot. no flavour.
Next Next Next Worst: Shaq - he sound like he got cerebal palsy
Next Next Next Next Worst: Jamele Hill - she just wack
Next Next Next Next NEXT Worst: Stuart Scott - he brought cooning to ESPN
2207468, damn why they all black tho....bwhahahahah
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Jul-08-13 12:14 AM
>Worst: Chris Broussard
>Next Worst: Magic - he's just bland and boring
>Next Next Worst: Jalen - he sounds like a robot. no flavour.
>Next Next Next Worst: Shaq - he sound like he got cerebal
>Next Next Next Next Worst: Jamele Hill - she just wack
>Next Next Next Next NEXT Worst: Stuart Scott - he brought
>cooning to ESPN

ain't gon say any names but there def are some affirmative action analysts (AAA) on these networks
2207502, Affirmative actions are white, tho...especially in baseball
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Jul-08-13 06:40 AM

In baseball the black personalities are on average
much more intelligent and insightful

LOL @ Rick Sutfcliffe and John Kruk, for example

And Jon Barry is easily the worst in basketball, by
about a mile


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2207507, I forgot the one white guy for NBA finals games
Posted by deejboram, Mon Jul-08-13 07:10 AM
he was pissing me off as he had a hardon for miami to win

but you notice how all NBA pre-game shows have one white guy "keeping the peace" and 3-4 black guys acting silly and going at each other all the time
kenny smith is real professional tho
he got some sense about himself
2207508, Nah Bill Simmons is the least professional of all of them
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Jul-08-13 07:16 AM
>he was pissing me off as he had a hardon for miami to win
>but you notice how all NBA pre-game shows have one white guy
>"keeping the peace" and 3-4 black guys acting silly and going
>at each other all the time
>kenny smith is real professional tho
>he got some sense about himself

As was Jon Barry

White reporters are the most toolish clowns

Women are often the most serious and focused,
especially in basketball

Doris Burke >>>> ANY basketball announcer, for example


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2207510, you talkin on the racial tip???
Posted by deejboram, Mon Jul-08-13 07:22 AM
i aint heard much of that lately
2207512, o snap I forgot who this was, whattup
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Jul-08-13 07:28 AM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2207747, RE: o snap I forgot who this was, whattup
Posted by deejboram, Mon Jul-08-13 05:16 PM
man same ol same ol
still movin and groovin
you finish all your biz at 333 cedar?
2347922, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we back
Posted by LAbeathustla, Wed Jul-09-14 11:17 AM
2347925, Broussard: My sources are telling me that there is a 10% chance
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jul-09-14 11:20 AM
bron returns to Miami.
2347930, He also said that Ice JJ Fish will be a judge on The Voice next yr
Posted by Castro, Wed Jul-09-14 11:23 AM
a done deal apparently.
2347969, http://dailysnark.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/multiple-sources.jpg
Posted by LegacyNS, Wed Jul-09-14 12:40 PM
<---- 5....


Ditch the paper, save the trees, and go mobile! Text bizcard to 32462!
2350363, Wow. This thing still has life. And Broussard a ESPN job.
Posted by deejboram, Sun Jul-13-14 09:22 PM
He actually got promoted and has more high profile TV time now.
His voice is still annoying and his scoops are still off.