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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRemember when HHH got that hero's welcome after the quad tear?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2808340
2808340, Remember when HHH got that hero's welcome after the quad tear?
Posted by magilla vanilla, Mon Jul-01-24 10:09 AM
>Tired of wishy washy wrestling fans trying to book the show.
> If he “goes away” like they want him to and then returns
>in 6 months with Judas playing, they’ll pop the roof off but
>right now they want to tell him to retire.

Sometimes you need to let people miss you. They have a massive roster of people that just disappear until Tony remembers them, while Jericho's out there throwing spaghetti at the wall. Dude has SUCKED EGGS since The Wizard at least. Honestly, I'd rather see 20 minutes of Eddie Kingston doing a chops-only match than whatever the hell Y2J is doing right now.

>The fuck else they going to put on TV? Some goofs doing
>gymnastics and flippy kicks for 10 minutes in a meaningless
>match? Scrubs exchanging chops or kicks to the face with the
>fans doing “booo….yay!!”??? Who cares.
>Jericho is one of the best ever, I appreciate that he’s
>still out there doing it.