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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI do agree that Jericho has been doing a reat job w/ the gimmick
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2808339
2808339, I do agree that Jericho has been doing a reat job w/ the gimmick
Posted by mrhood75, Mon Jul-01-24 10:05 AM
He's "saved" the situation by completely leaning into it. Being the glad-handing, completely insincere prick has made this much more entertaining. Even just announcing that he's quitting his commentary position on Rampage so he can get more TV time on Dynamite was awesome.

And Bill and Brian Keith are playing their respective parts pefectly as well. They're each doing exactly what they need to. Keith pronouncing "That baby better respect Chris Jericho" still cracks me up.