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Topic subjectI watched the song compilation TNA put up
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2808188, I watched the song compilation TNA put up
Posted by magilla vanilla, Tue Jun-25-24 09:36 AM
>This has been a week of getting excited about rising talent
>-Joe Hendrie is pro wrestling magic.
>I’d seen the name here and there and just dismissed it
>because, well, TNA.
>But then the NXT appearance got so much buzz- a fair amount
>about a supposed burial- so I checked it out. And then I did a
>deep dive, and yeah. This man has the goods.
>Solid, if unspectacular, promo ability but a *money* persona.
>If you debuted him on next Monday’s Raw, he’d be one of
>the most popular acts by Summerslam.
>Until WWE steals him, I may have to watch TNA. But he’s made
>for arenas.

It's amazing because the "song with a bad photoshop" segment is usually DEATH. But he totally salvages it with the paper masks(and the songs themselves are usually pretty good)

>Bo Dallas, goddamn.
>Where has THIS guy been? He’s been sitting on that ability
>to emote this whole time?
>I’m excited to see where this goes. If he can chew scenery
>like this, he can be a fixture for years to come. Hopefully
>they don’t make the same mistakes with him that they made
>with Bray.
>Also, I can’t say enough about Bron Breakker. His rope
>running speed reminds me of peak HBK (first run), but with his
>size and strength it’s straight up terrifying. And he may
>already have the GOAT spear, because that shit looks painful,
>every single time.
>I wish Sami got a longer run before dropping the strap, and
>I’ll be surprised if Bron doesn’t get it by SS at the

They're going to steal the show at MITB. Bron is going to turn Sami into paste but Sami will still find a way to hit two or three Helluva kicks.

>Liv is working well IMO. I hate to say it but Dom has a
>certain gravity to him in these pairings.
>Lightning may well have struck twice with him in these seeming
>odd couplings that actually work.

Carlito has added so much to it as well with his reactions. (also, LOL at Priest admonishing Dom, then hitting that WEPA when he heard "5 attachments")

>I don’t know what the ratings are showing but there’s a
>lot to like right now.