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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe model is Kelly Olynyk.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2808098&mesg_id=2808182
2808182, The model is Kelly Olynyk.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Jun-25-24 02:48 AM
I think he *has* to play the 5 at the NBA level, but he doesn't have exceptional size or athleticism. He kinda routinely struggled to finish at Duke at the rim against big men of similar size, and while he's underrated as a rim protector, I don't think he's big enough or explosive enough to be a real net positive rim protector in the NBA.

That said? The offensive package is very legit due to his combo of overall size and skill. He's a really good shooter for his size, he's a *great* passer for his size. He's got more handles and more mobility than you'd expect a guy like him to have. He needs to keep getting stronger, but he's not afraid of playing through contact. He knows how to cook slower bigs in space, he knows how to bully smaller players.

So he has obvious value on playoff teams, given that playoff teams desperately need big men who can dribble/pass/shoot. He's not on par with the names people will throw out-- but even having a bench quality/sixth man quality version of that role on your roster has value. I think he'd really shine somewhere that already has a big man of this mold-- who could plug in Flip as the bench version of whoever their starter is.