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Topic subjectPure project. I'm lower than others.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2808098&mesg_id=2808177
2808177, Pure project. I'm lower than others.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Jun-24-24 11:36 PM
Has great NBA wing size, has a quality NBA 3-point shot, and is a decent handler/passer for his position. I feel like, at Miami, you'd watch and see flashes and get it...

... and then you're reminded that Miami sucked last year. And their suckiest stretch was when Larranaga was relying more on George. He's not an athlete, he's not quick, he's not strong. He's not a good defender. Like... it's hard to imagine him as a winning NBA player right now.

Apparently he grew 11 inches between high school and the combine, so he might just be a classic "getting used to his body" guy. Maybe he figures it out-- the fact that he can shoot is a very nice start. But this feels like a guy where, if he sticks, it's at the very end of his rookie deal where it starts to come together. I'd let someone else draft him in the first.