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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectPrimo bucket getter.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2808098&mesg_id=2808162
2808162, Primo bucket getter.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Jun-24-24 06:40 PM
Elite speed, shifty, creative, high motor. Really good shooter last year— IIRC wasn’t really known for being a catch-and-shoot guy before UK, but his shots last year looked *pure.* And his pull-up game is outrageous.

He’s also, of course, the worst defender in the class— a lot of that probably due to his lack of size/strength/wingspan. Then again, he’s also got the “UK Guard” thing, where they so often outperform their college performance at the next level. But the size/strength/wingspan… like, maybe you think he’s the next Trae Young, but Young was also the best passer in his class by a landslide.

I think the median for him is probably closer to “quality sixth man bucket getter” than anything else, just due to those concerns. But if you thought he had All-Star upside because the offense is just too real, I’d get it.