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Topic subjectPure upside play. Short term, I don't see it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2808098&mesg_id=2808160
2808160, Pure upside play. Short term, I don't see it.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Jun-24-24 06:37 PM
I struggle to see him as a 2 guard off-ball, because he was downright bad as a catch-and-shoot guy last year— his numbers were pretty great on pull-ups across the board, and he’s a good passer for a guy his age, so you’re taking away his two primary skills if you take the ball out of his hands.

But I struggle to see him as a primary creator right now, because, at least last year, he couldn’t get to the rim, he’s not a great 3-point shooter, he’s an okay athlete at best, and he wasn’t a very good defender.

Still, he’s got good combo guard size, good feel for the game (especially for his age), and he was productive at age 18. If you think he can shoot, or you think once his frame fills out, it’ll help with things like defense and aggression getting to the rim, then there's certainly upside— but it’s hard to imagine he’ll be efficient in his first few years, so landing spot will determine a lot here IMO.