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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectLove everything about him... except the size/athleticism.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2808098&mesg_id=2808143
2808143, Love everything about him... except the size/athleticism.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Jun-24-24 05:57 PM
Elite passing, elite shooting, elite feel for the game, better defense than you'd think given his physical limitations due to his nose for getting big steals/blocks.

That said, will his ability to make plays on defense in college mean anything given how much longer bigger and faster NBA players are? And, most importantly, can he play point? The handle has to improve, and he's gotta be able to get past defenders and into the paint to do so.

Comparison is something along the lines of "imagine if Tyrese Halliburton was 6'1 with 6'1 wingspan." What does that player look like-- is he even a guaranteed starter? Not sure... but look. Teams need dribble/pass/shoot guys. So I can't not rock with a guy who is, at absolute worst, a top 3 shooter *and* top 3 passer in the class.