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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: As cool as that Uncle Howdy segment was . . .
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2807990
2807990, RE: As cool as that Uncle Howdy segment was . . .
Posted by jimaveli, Tue Jun-18-24 02:39 PM
>Where do we go now? Like, who is going to give a fuck about a
>briefcase when you have Erick Rowan running around hammering
>people in the head? This was teased incredibly. The whole
>segment was awesome. And I trust current creative a LOT more
>than prior creative. But they have a very, VERY fine balance
>to walk to not Fiend this shit up.

I'm excited to see them target certain people and have their reasons. Then, they'll finally have to come for someone who will fight back cuz its rasslin. And THAT'S when we might have an issue (the matches, the finishes, how do you make them good without making them unbeatable/broken). But we'll see. I loved loved loved Bo Dallas back in the day and I hope he gets to do some good stuff again.