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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectLack of real competition + a top heavy roster snuffs out urgency
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2807677
2807677, Lack of real competition + a top heavy roster snuffs out urgency
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Jun-03-24 03:24 PM
Going to AEW to wrestle in empty arenas isn’t much a threat.

Drew is an important piece and is on the rise with a big money program in the wings, so I can see why there wouldn’t be a sense of urgency to lock him up. If he wants to pass up an opportunity to print money while leveling up to wrestle in front of crickets, I’m sure they’d just wish him well.

Becky, by all accounts, is taking a sabbatical, and with her and Seth being married with a kid, staying in WWE if/when she decides to return seems very likely. And again, if she wants to go leave to be a big Man in those empty arenas, I can see them shrugging that off and saying good luck.

Neither Ricochet or Gable are particularly important even if Gable has had a significant presence recently. If they want to leave, who really cares? The list of people who could leave without putting so much as a dent in their bottom line is basically their whole roster, and AEW has been unable to build any of their significant pool of former WWE stars into a product that even resembles a threat.

Natalia could leave and nobody would notice.

So I think the lack of real comp and a deep and top heavy roster accounts for a fair piece of the reasons why these are going to the wire.