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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectAlso, Cody’s reign has been boring as shit
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2807667
2807667, Also, Cody’s reign has been boring as shit
Posted by DJR, Sun Jun-02-24 05:04 PM
And I still think we’re on track for the fans to be rooting for his Summerslam opponent.

I don’t have the answers either. As great as AJ is, everybody knows AJ and Jake Paul aren’t taking the title off him. Short of defending against the Rock or Roman, nobody is going to give a shit right now. I don’t have the answers. I guess a down time after that chase and Mania is ok. I’m good with AJ because he’s a legend who still can go and I like seeing him put on good matches in the main event. But they better make his next opponent a legit threat who people really don’t want to see take the title, if they want to keep people behind him. Otherwise he’s gonna be bland ass, split the crowd but sell merch Super Cena. Maybe they’re ok with that?