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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI think it will be fine, so long as TK doesn't become the focal point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2807015
2807015, I think it will be fine, so long as TK doesn't become the focal point
Posted by mrhood75, Mon Apr-29-24 05:33 PM

>As time goes on, I'm struggling more and more with their
>execution so far. IE: I love that they were smart enough to
>know that TK needed a neck brace. But I don't love that he
>didn't exactly make Steamboat's throat injury speech therapy
>vignettes proud with it. And he's not selling the shit out of
>it like 'I can't believe these ayyholes did this to me'. Its
>more like 'I'm a real rasslin boss now that I've taken a
>bump..isn't this great!? Tell the NFL about it too!'. AKA his
>tone is all wrong for the injuries they're claiming he has and
>the story of him being dramatically wronged by 'his guys'.

I think what he did on Dynamite was fine. I don't think he's really going to be able to sell it like Steamboat for the NFL Network. "Mainstream" media only has so much tolerance for wrestling/sport's entertainment, and they're not really going to be able to expect these outlets to play alogn. Hell, even when Heyman and Roman were on ESPN there's always a wink and a nudge.

>I'm very worried that they're too goofy to make absolute sure
>that the right people are the heels here too. And what kind of
>heels they need to be for this to work.

I think people are giving Perry the right type of heat so far. And people appropriately hate the Young Bucks. And Okada is having a blast being a heel.

>Call me racist, but I'm most worried that this is gonna
>somehow fuck up Swerve's first title reign. He earned that
>spot honest with his badass work and now he's gonna catch hell
>being the main thing on the show while this whole deal is
>going on.

I think these fears are unfounded. Whatever you want to say about TK, but he isn't Vince McMahon oblivious (as in, oblivious in the ways that VKM was). He's probably aware that it would be a bad look to make Swerve a short term transitional champ, especially after he busted his ass to get to this position. I originally thought whoever won between Joe and Swerve was going to end up getting served to Osprey at All In, and why I first thought that maybe keeping the belt on Joe might have been the right idea, rather than give Swerve a really short reign. But they dodged that bullet by setting up Osprey vs. Strong at Doulbe or Nothing.

I can see Hangman coming back and joining the Elite. And I can see Swerve coming into the Elite's orbit this summer. However, I think it's more likely that Perry beats Copeland for the TNT title, and then Hangman and Swerve have their big blow-off at All In. Or Swerve beats Perry at All In. Regardless, a big crowd-pleasing finish at Wembley to send the fans home happy.