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Topic subjectI ordered it to see Swerve win
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2806800, I ordered it to see Swerve win
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Apr-22-24 09:03 AM
*Black Panther hands on chest acknowledgement*

I'm glad they understood the assignment for the most part tonight.

I'm not sure if they have a GOOD plan for Jack Perry going forward. And showing 'the footage' still seems like a dumbass thing to do. But the crowd has decided to be excited to see him almost in spite of how bungled his post All In run has been. And shit, sometimes being over is enough. Still, I'm horrified for Jack to talk. If he's supposed to be an entitled jackass heel (like the Bucks), I hope they don't get turned into 'heroes who did what they had to do to save AEW from money-printing old school wrestling scoundrels like Phil Brooks and Cody Runnels'. I hope he keeps any talking short, soaks in the reaction, and only shows up to cause havoc and make snarky faces for a while. I don't want him having random 20 minute competitive matches with Dax or whatever..at least not right now. Make him be FORCED to wrestle..you know, like some of the heels we all know and love. One of my favorite things in wrestling my whole life has been a bad guy wrestler acting shocked and appalled when he's made to wrestle.

I'm amped for Ospreay. He's killing it so far. He shows up and passionately says whatever he says with a few 'bruvs' thrown in, and you know them matches are gonna be wildly good every time. I like him. I wish for Ricochet and him to do a rematch with their new bodies. But shiiiid, Ricochet ain't leaving fine azz Samantha to go nowhere right now and I DO NOT BLAME HIM. Luckily, AEW has a supreme roster for good match-having so Will should be good to go for a while.

I'm the opposite of amped for Jay White and, to a lesser extent, Okada. I worry that Okada is doing a victory lap/greatest hits run. He's dope so it can work of course! And maybe its fine and Okada mainly exists in a holding pattern waiting for Omega to return and kick his ass. I don't know what Jay White has coming for him besides maybe a split from Bang Bang Gang. At worst, I worry that Jay White is a better/more popular Ricky Starks and Punk being gone screwed him too.

>A lot will deservedly be said about the final three matches,
>but just about all of the show was outstanding.
>Okada vs. PAC was a fucking banger to start the show. They
>both smacked fire out of each other, and Pac is an incredible
>seller. The trios match was better than I was expecting, and
>sets up the Copeland vs. Malaki Black program well. Strong vs.
>O'Reily was also even better than I was expected, and another
>case of two dudes beating the shit out of each other. Cole
>walking was a nice surprise, and they're setting up him
>flipping on Wardlow and the possible return of MJF. Willow
>winning the title was a legit feel good moment, and was short
>and sweet as it need to be. Storm vs. Thunder Rosa was another
>match that exceeded expectations, even though the finish was
>never in doubt.
>What can I say about the final three matches? Danielson vs.
>Osprey was absolutely a match of the decade contender. It
>might be even greater, but I don't want recency bias make
>things too out of control. Certainly one of the best matches
>I've ever seen.
>I may not like the Bucks as heel champions, but I have to
>admit the ladder match was fucking crazy. It was like in order
>to follow-up one of the all-time GOAT matches, both teams
>decided that they might have to legit die in the ring. Yeah,
>the ending was ovious, but Jack Perry's heat is going to be
>tremenedous to behold once he's actually back full time. Which
>could be Wednesday.
>Swerve winning the title was great. He's been doing incredible
>work since he got there, and has really stepped things up even
>more from All In on. I would have been fine with Joe keeping
>the belt until this year's All In, but I can't front Swerve
>winning hit me in the feels. And his entrance as BP/Killmonger
>was phenomenal. Joe worked his ass off too, and was a g in his
>time as champ.
>And lest anyone think I forgot, Jericho vs. Hook was not good.
>It was clear that Jericho was going to go over, but the
>audience is clearly over him and it is really past time he
>take a long break off-screen. That said, it wasn't the war
>crime some are portraying it. The FTW title only really exist
>as an ornament for someone Taz affilaited, so either Hook wins
>it back in a month or so, or Jericho retires it and they move
>Hook onto something else. Both outcomes would be fine.
>But overall, a great night for wrestling and one of my
>favorite AEW PPVs.