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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectthis whole thing is a complete exposé
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2806571
2806571, this whole thing is a complete exposé
Posted by cgonz00cc, Wed Apr-10-24 11:17 PM
not just of wrestling (bc pro fighters getting "fired" for that happens all the time right?), but also of how we got here with a whole generation of fans, including TK, not understanding what pro wrestling is on a fundamental level.

modern fans, particularly the ones most obsessed with it, seem to approach it with the idea that since everyone knows its a work, then everyone is free to do whatever silly nonsense they want "because its just wrestling and its supposed to be silly". For one thing that means its not a work anymore and thusly not actually pro wrestling. But for another that seems to come along with the idea that people look at pro wrestlers and see struggling artists trying to make it big. thusly Jack Perry getting knocked around is an injustice, and now people will see Punk for what he is.


people look at pro wrestlers and see pro wrestlers. now normal people can watch this clip of someone getting fired for less physicality than they portray on television and say "they fired him for that?". they didnt show a huge asshole being an asshole, they showed a pussy being a pussy. even if they did show a huge asshole being a huge asshole, thats not what people will see.

TW is right to a point. Its possible that AEW is too cold for this to reach many people, but if this gets traction AEW is done. He can keep pouring money into it, but itll just be for funsies.