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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: It’s weird that Vince couldn’t tap into this Big Homie energy
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2806499
2806499, RE: It’s weird that Vince couldn’t tap into this Big Homie energy
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Apr-08-24 05:01 PM
>Vince had spent the better part of two decades building stars
>by playing of their natural, genuine selves, and then his
>brilliant plan with Roman was to make him a fucking cartoon
>I said it at the time and it’s still true today, Roman just
>oozes that Big Homie, will fuck foos up for fun energy.
>Heyman’s presence allowed him into center it and amplify the
>signal, but anyone with a brain saw this gear in him.
>The fact that Vince actively tried to kill that latent
>greatness in favor of a cheesy cartoon hero is a story in and
>of itself.

On one hand, we're some lucky MFers that someone somewhere kept thinking 'this dude is awesome..we gotta try something else'. On the other? Fucking right, Vince is a jackass for some of the shit he was forcing dude to try! It is wild to hear Roman say out loud 'hey, I didn't have enough money to just quit' on that A&E show. AKA shit was bad for him too! And he was THE dude from the Shield. Rollins was the king shit worker so he was gonna make it somehow regardless. Ambrose leaving altogether once he could makes soooooooooo much sense considering everything. Side: on old Moxley, the hate has gone too far even if I don't always love what he's trying to do (rich hardcore indy karate tough dude who BE bleeding). But hey, he has saved AEW's azz on a multitude of occasions and I didn't know he had that in him tbh.

Tribal Chief is a HoF run by itself obviously. Considering all he did to get to it, that run is even more special!

Just wow..the face-making, the figuring out a way to get his cousins over as separate humans, Heyman, the somehow both great and weird collection of matches with Brock, the promos, the angst with wanting him to finally lose at some point, etcetera. And even with never losing, he made a lot of people look good. Hell, if nothing else, I LOVE THIS DUDE FOR WHAT HE DID FOR MOTHERFUCKING SAMI ZAYN. They did each other major favors no lie, but really: imagine telling someone the night after Mania 38 that the wrestling nerd who lost to Jackass in a comedy match was gonna main event night 1 of Mania 39 with his best friend, be a prime candidate to end Roman's reign, AND get to end Gunther's historic reign in a shocker after breaking out his indy mega finisher? Imagine that!? Or don't, cuz it just happened! Unreal.

And we still have something to do with him and Rock before they both take it to the house. I think they still want to do it and it would print money. The promos would kill and the match would be another wild affair to dress up the fact that Rock is too old to be doing Omega/Ospreay. Hell, Omega is damn near too old to be doing Omega/Ospreay!