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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: the rock funny man he gave himself his own belt and the pin on cody
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2806497
2806497, RE: the rock funny man he gave himself his own belt and the pin on cody
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Apr-08-24 03:58 PM
>dude the final boss fr. emphasis on boss

I'm a sucker for heel heat tomfoolery like this.

He was walking around with that belt right next to Roman with NO sense of irony or shame. Mix that with the Mama Rhodes belt being ~ the most Rock thing ever and I had a great time with all of it.

It all helped make Roman's title reign loss as special as it needed to be considering how long he survived.

And again, those mfers have a guy who they like as THE GUY being the one to get the win. These are the things people say they want when we don't have it. And now, we get to sit our azzes here when it is happening. GOOD TIMES.

And so many pictures I've seen from Mania fall into 'imagine trying to explain this shit to someone back in 2019'. IE: There's a picture with LA Knight, CM Punk, Randy Orton, and Triple Haitch all cheesing like crazy. And they're all looking at Cody celebrate with his family. BONKERS!