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Topic subjectThe Judgement Day’s rise has truly been a treat
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2806486, The Judgement Day’s rise has truly been a treat
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Apr-08-24 01:22 PM
I won’t be shocked if they morph into a cool babyface faction by Summer Slam.

I always saw big things from Rhea but this JD incarnation far surpassed my expectations. Along with Bianca, she’s on a GOAT tier path and she’s still early in her career. She has a natural gravity that is difficult to match. She’s the brightest star of this group and they all owe her a debt, because she elevated them in a big way.

And the on-screen dynamic between her and Priest combined with the real life bond they’ve all developed in real life has given JD legs it didn’t seem to have once the seemingly inexplicable Edge turn happened. Priest is the right guy to elevate right now alongside Drew’s recent character tweaks.

Looking at that match in it’s entirety, that was arguably the best executed cash-in they’ve ever done. Dolph’s was an incredible moment, but the psychology leading up to and in the moment was a cinematic masterclass that told multiple stories, closing one chapter and adding several new ones, all compelling, in one moment.

And that was just the opening of the show.

The US match was fantastic and I’m def nitpicking LP as the chosen winner. It was an incredibly fun match so i have no real complaints. And to your point about Montez, I think a program with Logan could be fantastic from a match quality standpoint.

And agreed on AJ/LA, it felt like they went out there with the intent of making everyone else have to rise to their level. The pacing is what stood out to me, because there was no wait for him to hit his move” nonsense. The whole thing was, “fuck you, get this work”.

Bayley and Iyo eclipsed Rhea/Charlotte IMO, and I think the last women’s title match on that level was Bianca/Sasha.

I do hear you on the logic behind the Taker spot and didn’t consider that he’s the “real” final boss. I still would have preferred Cody’s people, but it’s a nitpick. My only gripe with the Seth moment was the camera botch.

And with Cody as the The Guy now?

WWE has an embarrassment of riches. Tonight has serious potential to be the best of the “night after Mania” Raw shows.