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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectNight Two kicked the everloving shit out of Night One
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2806462
2806462, Night Two kicked the everloving shit out of Night One
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Apr-07-24 11:02 PM
From start to finish, this shit wasn’t even close.

Sami and the main event were the only matches that compete with tonight.

It started with a bang and every match was excellent.

My one gripe is that I would have preferred Cody’s friends on the current roster come out to help- Sami, KO, Randy, instead Cena and Taker.

It’s relatively minor and didn’t detract from the make, but i think that would have made for better storytelling that made more sense.

That they showed up after his victory still made for a beautiful moment.

As a pure wrestling match without smoke and mirrors or gimmick stipulations, Bayley and Iyo hit a home run tonight. They killed that shit.

The US title match was fantastic, though I think KO was the better choice for the win.

AJ and LAK tore it down. They kept a breakneck pace throughout and that shit felt like a fight.

The Drew/Seth match was fantastic in it’s entirety, counting Punk and the Priest cash in.

In terms of consistency of match quality and maximizing everyone’s role, tonight was one of the best Mania’s I can remember. Everything hit at a pretty high level.

Even the Lashley/Kross six man had great, gratifying moments.

This was an excellent show and immediately one of my favorites, right there with 17.