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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectthere was obviously a magic missing tonight
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2806418
2806418, there was obviously a magic missing tonight
Posted by Tiger Woods, Sat Apr-06-24 11:57 PM
The Usos, god bless em for the last few years…but they should be embarrassed. They derailed the night.

A lot of filler tonight in my opinion…and you can do filler if there’s surprising wild stuff that happens, but like that Jade/Naomi/Bianca match was filler and nothing special happened

Sami/Gunther ended well. It’s going to be lauded, but honestly it was like 10 minutes of chops before the action really picked up.

I thought Rock was really fun with what he was asked to do. Taking the Rock Bottom through the table is wild. Gotta say , the Reigns spear to Rock and the double pedigrees WAS pretty thrilling. I would’ve liked more back and forth between Rock and “Mama Rhodes” though after weeks of all that shit talking.

I think there’s something to the environment in general contributing to a lackluster crowd. The best 2 manias of the last 10 years was Levi Stadium and Sofi Stadium. Both shows started in warm sunshine, and also the booking was on point in both cases. Compare those shows to tonight - uneven booking in a cold outdoor stadium, yea I see how you get a dud audience.

Anyway, as for tomorrow I think KO/Logan/Randy will be awesome and Cody v “Bloodline Rules” should be a movie. Hope they can do something special tomorrow.