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Topic subjectRE: Starting to think the whole thing is a send up to Dusty
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2806288
2806288, RE: Starting to think the whole thing is a send up to Dusty
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Apr-01-24 12:28 PM
>Cody’s son
>Bloodline as Horsemen
>Cody building a coalition (Koloff/Road Warriors)
>Reigns + Rollins were Dusty’s protégés

Yep. That works for me. Making fun of Cody/Dusty's 'southern' lineage. Also, I just love it. The Rock is clearly doing it on purpose. The wording, the cussing, the absurdly dope Black Adam entrance, the obviously pressed short fuse reactions to Cody and Seth, all of it. This weekend shall be on.