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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThat fuckin ruled
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2806061
2806061, That fuckin ruled
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon Mar-25-24 10:08 PM

Final Boss Rock is a sociopath, and also the most interesting character on WWE TV.

You watch tonight’s show and literally every wrestler who’s great is still so casual about their shit - Cody, McIntyre,Rhea,Becky, Punk … I mean those are HOFers but still everything is so jokey to these people. There’s no juice to these goofy sarcastic promos, and they ALL do them. Wrestlemania is in two weeks and they’re all just kinda teasing each other.

Then Rock shows up bloodthirsty and the tone changes completely.

And what a gift it was raining. (“Demigod of the land and sea” indeed)