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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYep. I’d see Randy as a much bigger threat too.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2805625
2805625, Yep. I’d see Randy as a much bigger threat too.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Mar-09-24 11:07 PM
It also plays better on the “bloodline” aspect of all this

Rock is straight up bodying Seth with that clown show line, because it’s fucking true and we all know it.

Even more frustrating is that Seth could have killed that noise by coming out Friday to the old Shield music, in his old Shield gear, through the crowd, and presented a more serious demeanor.

Done. Neutralized.

And we’d have character development (provided he doesn’t jump right back to his Designs By Yeezy bullshit) on top of it.

It would also serve a dual purpose in making him look and feel like a threat to Drew.

But nope. We got… whatever the fuck that was. A Shield version of his clown show gear I guess?

He already played himself with his idiotic diarrhea barb.

They need to shift gears with him asap because Rock is eating him alive. I give Dwayne shit for the high school, hacky heel bullshit he did but he got straight to the point last night and it was perfect.