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Topic subjectThe Rock is enjoying himself
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2805606, The Rock is enjoying himself
Posted by jimaveli, Sat Mar-09-24 12:03 PM
These social media promos are ridiculous and hilarious. He’s going out of his way to be outrageous and heelish. And it’s working.

I’m still guessing this ends with some kind of bloodline turning and tomfoolery plus Cody winning the championship. But it’s fun for me to see Rock acting a damn fool.

>They're saying the number again! Take that, Vince..you ole
>nasty mfer!
>Let's see:
>- Vince is bigtime gone. Who knows how wild the deets go and
>what % of it we will ever 'know'. What we 'know' is plenty
>wild enough! You have to figure at least a few more people
>might end up gone too. We'll see.
>- Brock is at least temporarily gone too.
>- Kevin Dunn is gone and now the camera work can finally
>attempt to evolve at least a little. Ain't that nice!? Its
>- Cody inches closer to finishing his story. And they're going
>to make him earn the shit out it.
>- THE ROCK AND ROMAN REIGNS are together now? NICE.
>- Rollins is hurt but will make Mania allegedly. He's gonna be
>fine and I'm not worried. He's dope, they love him, and he's
>EXCELLENT when he has anything coherent to do.
>- Big E is still out.
>- Punk is out. BOO. But he can still instigate!
>- Charlotte out but she's a damn hoss so she'll be back.
>- Randy and AJ are back! Whooo! Now, what in the eff are they
>gonna do!?
>- Stone Cold is being coy about doing another match. I WANT
>IT. His match with KO was gorgeously simple and fun but it
>still felt 'complete'. Pros wer Pro'ing.
>- Whoop That Trick (YEAH!) = one of my favorite things in
>rasslin right now. And Williams himself is good too. He's
>gonna kick all up in Carmelo's ass and its gonna be GREAT for
>both of them. Yes, he's my replacement Velveteen Dream. No, I
>don't feel guilty about it.
>- The good-looking woman extravaganza on NXT is out of this
>world. HBK's search history has to be top-shelf!
>- WALTER Gunther is still out here beating people tf up and I
>love it.
>- TNA is 'back' but they already have shenanigans with the
>Scott D'Amore. Seems rotten but who knows..its TNA.
>AEW is sneaking around trying to be good at certain things but
>they're cold, so many people are 'done' with giving them a
>chance. Still:
>- Swerve and Hangman are doing good work.
>- Smo'a Joe...same thing. He's a fun champ even if he's almost
>certainly not gonna be a long-term champ.
>- Prince Nana's multi-purpose dance antics might be my
>favorite non-'jimaveli is in love with like 20 women
>wrestlers' thing going.
>- On that woman thing, Broken Toni Storm works on me ~ every
>single time. She's ridiculous, funny, and a good rassler.
>She's dropping some A+ promo work vs opponents and the random
>obscure sexual stuff she's 'sneaking in' is a hilarious touch.
>She's blowing up announcers almost weekly! History will be
>kind to this run for sure.
>- The Bucks are fun but late af with this jerk heel run.
>They're gonna cheat their azzes off to beat/retire Sting fo
>sho. But Darby will be there to dive at them really hard and
>I'll like that.
>- Dalton Castle trying to get to Johnny is also great times.
>- Sasha is gonna be fun but I wish she was headed back to WWE
>to print money with Bayley for the summer.
>- Okada might be better off in AEW FIRST but I still want him
>in WWE at some point. Rainmaker pose tshirts would be easy
>munny for WWE.
>- Ospreay is a wonderful rassler. I hope he stays healthy.
>He's done a great job of 'getting big enough' for the spots
>he's gonna be in. Add him to the 'he'd be big fun in WWE at
>some point' list too.
>I hope like hell that AEW forces a title onto Danielson at
>some point before he's done as a 'full-time act'.
>Besides that, MJF has been shutting all the way the fuck up in
>a corner somewhere, Adam Cole is still not right and it is
>killing his new group, and Kenny Omega did good to go the
>doctor when he did or he might've died. Whew! And
>Ibushi...gees dude...sit your goofy azz down somewhere! And
>take Jeff Hardy with you!