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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI'm torn between wanting Sami to win and wanting Gable to win
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2805482
2805482, I'm torn between wanting Sami to win and wanting Gable to win
Posted by magilla vanilla, Tue Mar-05-24 09:24 AM
Either one of those dudes would bring the house down at Mania, and a Gable/Gunther Mania match has the potential to be up there with Taker/HBK and Savage/Steamboat. (Hell, I thought the Triple Threat last year was the match of the weekend)

On Cody vs. Sami, what I will give Sami is that he can be a good promo when he doesn't have a clear opponent. Whereas when Cody doesn't have a focus, or his motivation isn't the big prize, we get that Ogogo promo where he solved racism.

BUT! Cody is among the very best at walking the character in between beats, and the dude even sold Stardust hard when he wasn't feeling it.