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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectPeople who were mad about the Bucks involvement....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2805474
2805474, People who were mad about the Bucks involvement....
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Mar-05-24 12:34 AM
...were being really weird. First of all, Sting WANTED and REQUESTED to work with them at the end. Second, as I said in this thread they were the prefect heels foils for this feud. You couldn't pick a better team that fans would absolutely HATE winning. The Bucks are 100% aware of what some fans think of them, and they absolutely played into that, not even vaguely attempting to be "cool" heels. They were assholes, showed a ton of ass on Sting's last Dynamite and in the final match, and took the very clear and unambiguous loss to send off the Icon right.

I think OC as International Champ peaked when he beat Moxley in the re-match. That was been aeven more epic if not for the acccidental Fenix reign. But most of his second reign was pretty forgettable. And they've been build to him losing THAT way for about six months or so. It's time for him to take a break and be off of TV for a while.