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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI saw 2.5 great promos last night on -checks notes- Dynamite???
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2805123
2805123, I saw 2.5 great promos last night on -checks notes- Dynamite???
Posted by Tiger Woods, Thu Feb-22-24 07:32 AM

I haven't watched Dynamite in like two years, but scrolling Twitter last night I saw some bits that I thought were excellent - and it was all promo work, no flip around unsafe indie bullshit

Sting + Darby:
What an authentic way to put even more heat on a match. Sting comes off like a pensive old Samurai. This rules

just about everything Wardlow says is right. He needs to get to NXT asap, or at least be deliberately solo. He's a raw diamond that needs polishing but I was reminded that his upside is still so high

this Garcia kid has the personality of a throw rug but Christian's viciousness here is a blast