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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYeah the last year of The Bloodline has been pretty bad
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2805023
2805023, Yeah the last year of The Bloodline has been pretty bad
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Feb-17-24 04:19 PM
There are a lot of little things they’re doing well since they pivoted, but there are still problems.

Rock completely overshadowing Reigns is one, but it shouldn’t be this prominent this early and that makes me worry that they’re going to rush that angle and try to cram it into 40 instead of giving it a slow burn that allows it to breathe, build, and crest in time to build to a proper climax heading into 41.

My other concern is that they’re going to do a cut & paste job of Rocky’s turn on The Nation.

Ao that’s the other reason behind my “nothing new”, is that it feels like a textbook Vince hotshot program, which is what if felt like when Dwayne first showed up a few weeks ago.

The Bloodline was the best executed long form story in wrestling *ever* because they gave it time and nuance and added elements strategically, until the aftermath of 39.

Reigns vs Cody II had all those ingredients to give us an epic showdown at 40, but they tried to shoehorn Rock in a way that turned it into a mess.

And while they’ve wisely pivoted, everything they’ve done since Cody introduced Dwayne feels like the creative direction is 75% “It’s The Rock, just have him go out and play the greatest hits they’ll love anything he does”.

I think my concerns will largely be proven correct, even if they have a few high points in the process.