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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectIt was polished mediocrity
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2805001&mesg_id=2805017
2805017, It was polished mediocrity
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Feb-17-24 12:17 PM
The polished:

Dwayne’s charisma and presence were elite.

Making Roman look and feel like the little brother is an incredible feat, and Dwayne does it effortlessly.

I agree on that much.

All of that what makes him who he is. You can’t teach that shit.

And it sons everyone who isn’t Austin, though I’m not sure Austin has this gear anymore.

The mannerisms, the body language, the voice, all that was still as good at it was at his peak and he’ll be old and decrepit before it even begins to decline.

Here’s the mediocrity:

The content. The content of his promos was never all that good. We were all in on the moment, but that shit aged poorly and got badly exposed by Cena and Punk a decade ago.

I’m not tripping on the cheap crowd heat either. That’s always enjoyable whenever any good heel does it.

He’s The Rock, a god on the mic- but the best he could come up with was… crybabies?

Bunch of crybaby bitches?

That shit is trash. People we’ll say “but it’s working!”, but that’s immaterial. A lot of things would have worked. Things that aren’t generic retorts an old lady would say to a toddler would have worked too.

But nope, we got two more months of “crybabies”, the weakest bit of name calling we’ve ever seen in pro wrestling at this level since Cookie Puss- also a Rock/Gowertz special.

And no, this isn’t a kayfabe reaction. I’m not being “worked”, brother.

It’s just weak material that’s getting by on the charisma of the person saying it. And we’re stuck with at least two more months of this shiny mediocrity.