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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: Is Purdy a top 10 QB?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2804750&mesg_id=2804924
2804924, RE: Is Purdy a top 10 QB?
Posted by jimaveli, Tue Feb-13-24 04:05 PM
>He played well enough IMO in his first SB and had the lead in
>Don’t want it to be true but the guy is legit.

He's good. At worst, I worry about his ceiling not being much higher than what he's already doing.

And, the scarier thing: can he Febreze up some stinkier weapons WHEN he 'gets paid' and the roster around him gets worst? Even if its in San Francisco?

IE: we see how some QBs can struggle when the cast around them changes for the worst after they get paid. Dak is an example. But he's unfairly tagged as THE 'he shouldn't have gotten paid cuz it ruined his team' guy.

And hell, even friggin Mahomes had to fight through it with KC transitioning their approach from Madden money plays for 3 hours to having more of a focus on 'situational money plays'! Hehe. You know what I mean! They've won 2 SBs with the same motion play where Pat knew it was a TD when the ball got hiked.