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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI know, right? It’s almost like this is a different situation entirely!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2804750&mesg_id=2804907
2804907, I know, right? It’s almost like this is a different situation entirely!
Posted by pretentious username, Tue Feb-13-24 12:13 PM
>All of you were DRAGGING Dan Campbell after the NFCCG for
>going for it on 4th down and not kicking FG's but would be
>fine with taking the ball second and possibly being down a FG
>or TD in OT while talking about having to go for it on 4th
>down that whole drive like it's a gift.
>Make it make sense.

Everyone has made it make sense. You’ve just ignored the explanations while coming up with scenarios where the deferring team could lose, when no one said the deferring team was guaranteed a win, just that they have the advantage of knowing what they need before their offensive drive.