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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI'm just pointing out the groupthink....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2804750&mesg_id=2804905
2804905, I'm just pointing out the groupthink....
Posted by blueeclipse, Tue Feb-13-24 10:53 AM
All of you were DRAGGING Dan Campbell after the NFCCG for going for it on 4th down and not kicking FG's but would be fine with taking the ball second and possibly being down a FG or TD in OT while talking about having to go for it on 4th down that whole drive like it's a gift.

Make it make sense.

And then if you score.....going for 2 instead of kicking an extra point. Can you imagine losing the Super Bowl on a 2 point conversion?

You'd be in here dragging that coach.

All I'm saying is you can't push this narrative like making these plays is no big deal.