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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectlol right, we were playing with house money 💰
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2804750&mesg_id=2804904
2804904, lol right, we were playing with house money 💰
Posted by guru0509, Tue Feb-13-24 10:50 AM
these 9ers fans are clearly hurt and incapable/ in denial of realizing how absolutely stupid their head coach is for his overtime choices 😂 or the fact he failed to prepare his team for this scenario

>be mad and sulk about what could have been in peace. because
>I'm just thinking bout how close we really came. After seeing
>zero post-season hope for this team my whole life. Even after
>that one playoff win we had in the 1991 season we knew we were
>bout to get blown out by Washington in the NFC Championship,
>and we did.
>But this year? We shoulda won that 49ers game. Coulda beat the
>Chiefs too. So Ima sit here and sulk in my woulda coulda
>shoulda mode. After this year though we can't say it's our
>first time.