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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subject I criticize tf out of Ohio State / Ryan Day
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2804750&mesg_id=2804899
2804899, I criticize tf out of Ohio State / Ryan Day
Posted by guru0509, Mon Feb-12-24 11:57 PM
>resembled that a lot lately to.

Much to the chagrin of other Ohio state posters

But we’ve won two national titles in 10 years apart

I’ve called TOSU football the Kentucky of college football as of late , all these first round picks and only nothing to show for it

I’ve repeatedly said Urban underachieved w the talent he had (but he beat Michigan like a drum so I could cope that way , but now we can’t even do that )