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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectgoing second means you know exactly what ends the game
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2804750&mesg_id=2804865
2804865, going second means you know exactly what ends the game
Posted by will_5198, Mon Feb-12-24 03:32 PM
and you can end it on your terms with the ball in your hands.

>What difference does it make? Saying you know what you have
>to do and you will play with more urgency and use more downs
>shouldn't even be part of the argument. You should playing
>like that anyway whether you go first or second.

yeah, you're just talking about playing football. tell me what the advantage is for going first.

>There's no clear advantage if you can the other team can get a
>stop and you can still lose. If the first team scores a TD
>how is it an advantage to have to match that?

because you know you need a TD to tie and a two-pointer to win. what is the advantage of going first?

>The first team gets to have their lead and focus only on
>keeping the other team out of the endzone. I like those odds
>just as much.

well if you believe in your defense, put them out on the field first -- which is the preferred choice when you win the opening game coin flip -- and stop the other team. then just drive for the winning field goal.

even if it is a small advantage, it's an advantage.