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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectcan't imagine any reason why the mich staff would want to bail
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2801518&mesg_id=2804737
2804737, can't imagine any reason why the mich staff would want to bail
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Feb-11-24 02:01 PM
>im not buying the notion that his best options for an NFL
>staff were all coaching in college last year, much less all
>with one team, but whatever. coaches are coaches.

im not sure if this type of thing is common practice as i haven't researched it at all...the only one i know of is urban who assembled a college staff when he took over jacksonville (strength staff included) and he got clowned for it. And the results were what they were.

urban didn't touch anyone on the osu staff tho.

minter has the NFL background so that seemed legit but I don't know about the rest.

>the support staff tho? what pro is gonna be transformed by a
>college S&C coach when his private coach trains Olympians?
>what pro needs a team nutritionist?

trainers who work with pro athletes in the private sector aren't necessarily better than those at the college level or even at the HS level.

it's just a totally different gig and different responsibilities as college strength coaches are with the team 365 days of the year.