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Topic subjectidk ... I feel differently
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2801223, idk ... I feel differently
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Dec-12-23 01:06 PM
that's a bad loss sure, especially given it was at home and what was at stake

but still no one else in the AFC has the firepower they have. If you consider who the five best offensive players in the AFC playoffs are, you'd obviously go 1. Mahomes and 2. Lamar ... but after that? Dolphins may round out the rest of the top five with their skill guys.

And Miami could still very well sew up homefield, and the SB this year even is in a dome. And I'm pretty sure their coach is an transformational offensive genius ala Walsh/Gibbs/Holmgren/Reid/Payton/McVay.

People who are casting the Dolphins out right now are forgetting how inexperienced they are. This is the first year they've been able to keep Tua upright for a full season (looking for wood to knock on), and just McDaniel's second year at the helm. A loss like last night is one of the growing pains that come with young coaches and young teams - McVay the boy wonder got SPANKED by Bill in the most boring Super Bowl of all time, and The Niners took their lumps with inconsistent QB play before this year finding their diamond in the rough in Purdy.

I'm still bullish on the Dolphins, their roster, and their coach overall.

To me I think last night is more a testament to Vrabel and Levis than it is an indictment of the Fins.