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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHow/why would the NBA even answer that question though?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2791550&mesg_id=2794983
2794983, How/why would the NBA even answer that question though?
Posted by pretentious username, Thu Jul-13-23 06:41 PM
If your question is “what are the implications for the standings/championship?” well the answer is obviously none. If your question is “why won’t they tell us how the winner of this compares to the Finals loser?”… why would they even do that? Do you want them to release a press statement that states this is more or less prestigious than being the Finals loser? And do you want every team to tweet out “we care about this tournament?” Guarantee by the time the tournament starts every team’s social media will be treating it like the most important thing there is lol.

If you’re not interested in the tourney, that’s fine, but the tourney’s existence itself is not as confusing as you’re making it out to be. It’s a midseason tournament with money and a trophy for the winner. Happens in soccer all the time. It’s meant to give a little bit more juice to the regular season. We’ll see if it actually does that, but I’m having a tough time believing everyone on this board is THIS angry and confused by the thing. Plus I’m like 75% sure the board will be singing the tournament’s praises once it actually happens.