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Topic subjectdidn't Kuz opt out?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2791550&mesg_id=2794195
2794195, didn't Kuz opt out?
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-22-23 02:31 PM
>From Washington's perspective, at least they'll be getting
>draft picks, but it doesn't make sense why they'd want to pick
>up Poole's enormous contract. It'll be interesting if Golden
>State will be a middling team by the time those picks will
>convey for Washington.
>If this trade goes down, Washington will have Tyus Jones and
>Poole in their backcourt; not exactly top tier talent, but
>decent enough to where Washington shouldn't in theory tank.
>I'm guessing the new ownership in Washington doesn't want to
>waive the proverbial white flag. Yet.
>Wonder what'll happen to Kuzma.