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Topic subjectGiven how much the front office empowers Thibs
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2791550&mesg_id=2794177
2794177, Given how much the front office empowers Thibs
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Jun-22-23 09:05 AM
and how contrary Toppin is to Thibs' wants and needs as a coach, Toppin should have never been drafted here, especially given how much Randle has been such a focus on the offensive end.

Toppin has his flaws, especially on the defensive end, but I can imagine he will flourish on a team that will play to his strengths as it appears he is better suited on a run and gun faster paced offensive team.

In an ideal world, Toppin will get traded to a cellar dweller team so if and when he puts up points in the Knicks, it will be as result of empty stats as the team he'll be on will suck.

Pretty unfortunate how much the Knicks wasted on that eighth pick since they did so well drafting Mitchell Robinson, Quickley, and Quentin Grimes.