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Topic subjectI mean, Hurley is *not* better than Self, lol.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2784898&mesg_id=2786389
2786389, I mean, Hurley is *not* better than Self, lol.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Apr-04-23 07:40 PM
Hurley also had never made the second weekend of the dance until *this* year-- his reputation as a postseason coach until this year was not good, lol. He was seen as, more or less, a very good floor raiser, but not much else.

>>Bill Self will be fine, he'll coach another 5-7 years
>>I'd think. And they just won the title.
>You a doctor? He just announced a press conference tmw
>morning, I wouldnt be surprised if he announced his

Kansas already came out and said it's a standard press conference. I would be very surprised if he retired without it leaking.

>>There's no question that UConn, if they make the tournament
>>and win the first round game, has an unparalleled ability to
>>go on a deep run in the last 25 years, lol. But I do think
>>consistency matters end of the day, and that's something
>>that's alluded Connecticut-- even in their quarter century
>>genuine relevance.
>UCONN been relevant for 25 years
>Duke been relevant for 36
>It's not that much of a difference.

I mean, when Coach K took over, Duke was *at the time* Top 10 in college basketball history in both wins and Final Fours. People overblow Duke's "irrelevance" before K just because neither Vic Bubas, a college basketball Hall of Famer, nor Bill Foster closed the deal and won a ring. But Duke's had a title game appearance every decade dating back to the 1960s.

>the point is , now youre behind UCONN in terms of the most
>important thing, COACHING.

*shrug* As a Duke fan, I wouldn't trade Scheyer for Hurley going forward, personally. I liked enough of what I saw from Scheyer that I'm excited to see if he can cash in on his potential in the next few years. No denying Hurley has the results now, but if I would've said "I prefer Scheyer to Hurley" three weeks ago, then I should probably stick with it instead of shifting my entire perspective on a monstrously impressive six-game sample size.