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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectwarriors gotta have more answers to going cold from 3
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2785499&mesg_id=2786186
2786186, warriors gotta have more answers to going cold from 3
Posted by Reeq, Sun Apr-02-23 11:46 PM
than just chucking more 3s.

they were killing the nuggets in the paint to open their biggest lead of the game early even while they were struggling from 3. then they just start hunting 3s.

jordan poole...for all his faults...is the only dubs player that makes a point to attack the rim regularly. and he gets rewarded with a lot of foul calls even when he misses.

klay had his best stretch of the season when he was pump faking dudes on the close out then going to the rim and either finishing or dishing to a cutter. hes basically abandoned that.

and dont get me started on them fucking turnovers.

i have no idea why kerr has so much faith in anthony lamb. but if he aint hitting open 3s then hes useless. dude has become a dumb pass straight into the defenders arms machine lately too.

season almost over and this team still has some enduring bad habits that they arent good enough to overcome this year.