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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectHow long are you going to beat this nonsense drum?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2785499&mesg_id=2786000
2786000, How long are you going to beat this nonsense drum?
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Apr-01-23 09:07 AM
You always get pissy when I give you negative attention when you do this.

So I'll try to reason with you, like you're a rational, sensible human being who isn't just playing the role of malcontent on a message board.

It *was* a stance at *a* point in time, under an entirely particular and different set of circumstances.

Those circumstances have changed.

Which means that mantra has changed.

Repeating this outdated call for change in the face of changed circumstances is asinine.

It's not funny, it's not clever, and it's not valid.

This is a team that has *something*, and that something is enough that we now need to buckle down with all hands on deck. They need to go all in on this team, tinkering around the edges, and hope for the best.

Because, again, the circumstances have changed.

If healthy, we're The Team Nobody Wants To Face In The Playoffs, even if we're not favorite in a series. We're a fucking dark horse for sure though, particularly with our defense since the deadline. Can we win a series? Maybe. But that's still a tall order against Denver or Phoenix, in particular. But the rest of the field? They shouldn't take us lightly, bare minimum.

And next year may be the ultimate When Healthy season, because THIS team- especially after some tinkering on those edges- could actually contend. I don't know about win, but we can definitely contend.

So the mantra has changed. They need to go all in and hope for the best. Because THIS team is not THAT broken, tangled, seemingly hopeless mess we had at the time I was saying that.

Which is why you beating this drum is asinine.