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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYou realize you're making him look worse with all the excuses, right?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2785499&mesg_id=2785785
2785785, You realize you're making him look worse with all the excuses, right?
Posted by khn, Tue Mar-28-23 05:06 PM
He wanted to give him 40... but he didn't. He was rocking street clothes. Again.

This time it was this thing... last time it was that thing... the time before it was something else.

Always an excuse or five for Joel.

Well, he can settle it in the finals. Jokic will be there. Will Joel be able to get there with a former MVP, finals-winning coach, and excellent role players? Who knows. He's had better help in the past, and fallen flat on his face. But, yaknow, there's an excuse for that as well, I'll bet.